Horse slaughter. Is it really worth it?
Horse slaughter has been going on for a long time now and humans have increased their horsemeat consumption because of the mad cow disease. Mad cow disease is issued from the fattening foods farmers give to their cattle. In the food are sheep’s’ bones grinded into tiny, tiny bits. Ignorant till the outburst, makers didn’t know that in sheep bones there is the virus of the dreaded disease. The disease doesn’t affect sheep as it is only in their bones but when the cows eat it, it gets into their systems and is passed on through their meat to humans.
Many people are going off cow meat and onto horsemeat. Countless numbers of them are oblivious to the fact that horsemeat is just as dangerous as
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This horror can go on up to 90 hours. When they get to the slaughterhouse, the horses are released into another pen.
Blinded by the light, they trip down the ramp and stumble into others. There is no food or drink and the many horses are herded into a narrow passageway where they can only move forward single file. They can smell the blood and death but can’t place it as their senses have weakened without food or water. Stumbling, they follow their friends along to the knocking box. In some countries they use hammers, others a gun like thing. These metal tools go through the forehead and split the bone, right into the brain, aiming to make the horses senseless. In pain, they collapse. In America, for example, the horses slip down a ramp into a blood-sodden room. There, a man hoists them up into the air by tying their hind legs. In other countries, France for example, the horses are left on the floor where their throats are slashed and they bleed into the gutter. In both countries, the legs are broken or even hacked off while the horse is bleeding to death.
The reason why they bleed them to death is so that the meat is good for human consumption. The governments have imposed a law that the horses, or slaughtered animals, must be made senseless. This is done by stunning or electrifying but it doesn’t always work. In a lot of pictures I have seen, the horses are twisting their legs in pain when they are hoisted and their throats
The fact that horse slaughter is illegal in the United States doesn’t stop the cruel process from taking place. According to the ASPCA, 150,000 horses are transported over the borders to Mexico and Canada each year to be slaughtered for human consumption.
Would you kill your best friend after years of hard work together? I believe horse slaughter is a necessary evil due to many different reasons.
A question often thought about is whether or not horse slaughter is humane. If you ask many people, they will say no. Why isn’t it humane?
The topic of horse slaughter doesn’t usually come up very often in everyday conversation. Horse slaughter is more of an implicit subject, which your everyday person doesn’t know much about. Because it is highly controversial, it has gone through the cycle of being banded and then reinstated twice in the last 5 years. With being involved in the horse industry my entire life, I have witnessed the effects first hand. Some people see it as killing pets, animal cruelty, and morally wrong. However, I see it as a source of income, a way to stop the starvation and abuse of horses, an export industry for the United States, as well as a quality meal for in times of despair.
There are 9.2 million tame horses and an additional 47,329 wild horses in the United States, while only 2 million people own horses (Moss; “Horses in the United States”). With that being said, it’s safe to say that the United States has a surplus of horses. One of the most controversial solutions for the unwanted horses is slaughter. Horse slaughter has been around for decades, but due to changes in societal views, the topic has ignited controversy.
Every little girl dreams of having a horse, but what do you do with that horse when he is too old to be rode and he struggles to come in and eat his grain? Most likely you don’t have the heart to put him down yourself, and to have him euthanized costs so much, but are there any other options? Yes, there is one more option, that is horse slaughter. Don’t be afraid of it just because you hear the word slaughter, the horses are treated well and they are put down humanely. Horse slaughter is a big controversy in the United States, and there are many people that are against it, but I’m here to tell you why everyone should be for horse slaughter. Horse slaughter is something that is needed and not something that is evil. Today I’m going to tell you about why everyone should be for horse slaughter and how it can help to control the horse population, help stimulate the economy and help feed people that are starving.
There is no music, no dialogue, or close shots to establish any kind of atmosphere. The audience is unaware of that this is an important moment, thus normalizing the appearance of the horses in this setting. Eventually, they blend into the film’s
Our initial purpose of researching this topic has been inspired by the growing concern for the outbreak of Mad Cow Disease and it's various forms. We believe that it is imperative that we take our research and implement it to others along with facts in order to generate concern for other countries regulations, United States regulations, health concerns and economical awareness.
What they do to these animals is not humanistic and is cruel. After they get them off the truck from the “farm” they line them up and put them in a machine that clamps them down and does not let them move. Then they take a captive bolt gun and shoot them in the head, but half the time it does not kill them it just stuns them. After that happens, they hang them by their back legs and slit their throats this lets them drain as much blood out as possible. Meanwhile most of the animals are still alive when they get hung upside down and get their throats slit it takes about 20 seconds to completely kill the animal after the throat has been slit so while it is upside down it is still
These animals are not abused in the rodeo and are in fact treated with a lot of respect. There are certain rules and regulations, safety techniques and technology, and proper care and treatment for the animals by ProRodeo and
If you’ve ever owned an animal, you know that being around them can be extremely therapeutic. After a stressful day at work or school, it is always nice to come home to your pet and feel comforted by them. Many dog owners even claim that their dogs can feel their pain. However, if you speak to anyone who has been spent their life around horses, they’ll tell you that the connection between horse and rider is unlike any other. Norwegian researcher Anita Maurstad explains in a recent article, that over time horse and rider can become so attuned to each other that they develop a state of co-being. Maurstad also found, through research, that horses appear to learn to relate to humans in ways that provide them with a good quality of life. A recent study from Washington State university has concluded that kids who work with horses have significantly lower stress levels. In addition to these, there have been numerous other studies that show that working with horses decreases blood pressure, reduced feelings of anger, tension, and anxiety. Riding horses also allows you to gain feelings of self esteem, empowerment, patience, and trust. Because of the overwhelming positive effects that horses seem to have, horses are no longer being used just for recreational or agricultural
Many horses received serious, fatal, or other injuries that required euthanization. These animals are reminders that abuse is sometimes used to enhance movie
Mad cow disease (also called BSE) is getting social attention recently in U.S, I had never heard that term when I was a child. It was first time in mid-1980 that illness was out break in the England. People afraid the mad cow disease, because if people infected there is no cure for the patient. I think the mad the cow disease is real threat for the U.S, because people eat a lot of beef. For example, American?fs favorite the McDonald?fs Big Mac is made from beef. In the supermarket beef has larger area than any other meats, or seafood. Also the U.S is a one of the world largest beef exporter to the world.
After, another belt takes them to where a worker cuts their throat and allows them to bleed out. Some animals are hung up side down by their back legs and move through the processing line where their necks will be cut one by one (Dugan). Sometimes one of these methods will not work and the animal will be disassembled while still conscious.
What goes on inside a slaughterhouse is something the meat industry does not want you to find out about. They like to portray happy farm animals, but we both know thats not true. In the U.S alone over 500,000 animals are killed merciless every hour for their meat. “Over 56 billion farmed animals are killed every year by humans. More than