
Horror Film Analysis

Decent Essays

Horror Essay
Horror films are movies that aim to elicit a strong physiological reaction in the viewer, such as raised heartbeat and fear. Three horror films by the names of Psycho, Scream and The Messengers will be analysed and compared to an episode of the popular children’s show Shaun the Sheep. Five elements will be addressed in this analysis, those being camera techniques, Mise-en-scene, Editing, Lighting and Sound.

In all of the previously mentioned films, there are a range of camera techniques being utilized to their advantage. In the horror film Psycho, they use extreme close ups to help show emotions or to add drama. Point of View filming is also common in all three of the films, as POV can make the viewer feel more engaged and being able to see what the victim in the film can see adds an element of fear that wouldn’t be able to be achieved if everything was shot in 3rd person. For example, in Scream, it is often filmed in the Point of View of the victim who is being stalked and later killed by the antagonist and shows things such as the girls boyfriend tied to a chair or the killer running through her house. Another technique that is used in these films is Mise-en-scene.

Mise-en-scene is the arrangement of everything that appears on screen, such as the actors, props and costumes. In the movie Scream, the characters wear outfits to make their roles obvious. The girl’s boyfriend is wearing a highschool jersey which shows who he is quite easily and the killer is

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