
Horizontal Gaze And Nystagmus Research Paper

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Why is the Horizontal Gaze and Nystagmus Not Used What if there were a test that people could take and be able to determine if they had cancer or a disabling disease, and would someone believe the results if they were 77% accurate. Now just imagine that being a jury member on a driving under the influence trail and the prosecutor and the officer state with confidence and validated tests that the defendant is guilty, they like myself would want some proof. There are tests that are given to individuals that prove this aspect of a driving under the influence arrest. If a person is stopped by law enforcement for suspicion of driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs they will be given three standardized field sobriety tests while on …show more content…

When people are pulled over for suspicion of driving under the influence the first thing an officer should offer the violator is the three standardized field sobriety tests. The first of which is the Horizontal Gaze and Nystagmus, which is the involuntary jerking of the eyes this occurs when the eyes move to the side (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration website). When a person has consumed alcohol, the nystagmus will be exaggerated and occur at lesser angles depending on what degree of impairment that the violator is (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration website). Arguably, these tests are to be performed in a standardized manor, meaning that this test, the Horizontal Gaze and Nystagmus and the other tests are to be performed the same way every time just as the officer was trained and as the tests are intended to be performed to achieve the most accurate result …show more content…

According to Doctor Citek of the Pacific University College of Optometry, pilot studies have shown that a one-eyed suspect will show the expected clues in the other eye. Suspects with a severely reduced vision or even blind in one eye, will still show the clues for all the tests given for which the one good eye can see the stimulus, usually with everything except distinct and sustained nystagmus at maximum deviation according to Doctor Citek. Another issue brought to light by defense attorneys is if a suspect has a head or eye injury or other medical problems. As Doctor Citek explains that insulin shock within diabetes, cerebral vascular accident or even a stroke, heart attack, or any other medical issue as previously listed above can give signs of impairment but not intoxication to any properly-trained law enforcement officer. Other issues brought to light in court are if a suspect’s head is not upright when standing or sitting as the Horizontal Gaze and Nystagmus can be given standing, sitting or even while lying down. Defense attorneys have also argued that their client was sleep deprived, and this also will show signs of impairment due to a person not having enough sleep, but this will not give any clues on any of the standardized field sobriety tests, unless accompanied with intoxication per Doctor Citek. The time of day

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