
Hopping Motion With SEMG Patterns Lab Analysis

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Considering the flight phase of jumping motion, the number of muscle coordination patterns is more than four and the muscles are more freely organized since there is no contact force with the ground. To estimate the covariation of joint angles with extracted synergies is a rough task and may cause computational burden. The second one is about building a model for generating velocity-adapted jumping gait with muscle synergies, in which wavelets neural network is proposed to predict the reference gait pattern, while fuzzy inference system is adopted to merge these reference gaits in order to create more generalized gaits with different jumping rhythm. Taking the muscle activation coefficients as input signals, the output joint angles of …show more content…

In the case of dynamic motion such as jumping, an important fact in sEMG (surface Electromyogram) signal based control on exoskeletons, myoelectric prostheses, and rehabilitation gait is that multichannel sEMG signals contain mass data and vary greatly with time, which makes it difficult to generate compliant gait. To generate the gait pattern with muscle synergies is related to the problem of identifying the forward relationship between sEMG and resultant joint movement. So, we suppose that it is reasonable to apply the muscle synergies to simplify the generation of compliant dynamic gait, such as hopping, based on sEMG for biomechanical leg control. Two questions were analyzed and discussed in the paper, the first one concerning whether the same set of muscle synergies can explain the different phases of jumping movement with various velocities. Since vertical jumping is the fundamental movement pattern of dynamic motion, such as jumping, bouncing, and running, based on the above discussion, we will focus on generating flexible gait of vertical jumping with sEMG signals for biomechanical leg. Thus, the first problem that would be discussed in this paper is whether the same set of muscle synergies can explain the different phases of dynamic gait with various velocities. The

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