
Honesty In Fish Cheeks, Amigo Brothers, And A Work Of Art

Decent Essays


“Never lie to the person you love it’s not worth it and they don’t deserve it” (anonymous). Having honesty means being honest with someone so no one will get hurt by lies. Being honest is better than lying because lying will always get people in trouble and people will get hurt if they are told a lie. People who lie get nowhere in life. Amy’s mom, Felix, and Tera are all honest. There are two short stories and a novel that show honesty like “Fish Cheeks”, Amigo brothers, and “A Work of Art”. In all three stories they show honesty because they know that being honest is the right thing to do than to lie.
In the story, “Fish Cheeks”, Amy’s mom sees that Amy doesn’t want to be chinese she wants to be be American so her mom is honest with Amy when she talks to her. Amy’s family is not polite at the dinner table or when other people are over. Her family will embarrass each other in front of gest. Amy’s family and the American family is different from each other. Amy is embarrassed by her whole family by the way they acted in front of their guest and she …show more content…

Tera’s mom doesn’t appreciate that Tera got a job so that she can pay for the new lawyer she got so they can help her dad get out of jail for something he didn’t do. Tera’s mom just sits at home and doesn’t do anything to help around the house or help Tera figure out how to get Tera’s dad out if jail. Tera is trying to be honest with her mom and say “you just sit on the couch like a lump of dirty laundry all day and not do anything” (A Work of Art pg.81 Tera). Tera’s mom doesn’t do anything to help or appreciate anything Tera does or that Tera is trying to help her dad get out of jail for something he didn’t do. What Tera is saying is that no one shouldn’t be lazy or mean and they should get up and do something or help others

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