
Homosexuality In Romeo And Juliet And Othello

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This drama study will argue for the acceptance of homosexuality as a primary theme in Goodnight Desdemona by Ann-Marie MacDonald. The main character, Constance, is a modern woman that is transported through time to play a new character in Romeo and Juliet and Othello. MacDonald allows Constance to become female and male characters, which explore the duality of genders roles, which challenge accepted homophobic assumptions about sexual relations in Shakespearean plays. Constance’s observations about Elizabethan society provide a uniquely accepting view of homosexuality through a modern evaluation of the Constance/Constantine gender role shift. Therefore, Constance provides a validation of homosexuality in the commentary as a method of opposing sexism and homophobia in the original Shakespearean platys. The social construction of supporting gender/homosexual identity will be examined in relation to the modernity of Constance’s influence on Elizabethan characters. In essence, an argument supporting the acceptance of homosexuality will be defined through an analysis of Goodnight Desdemona by Ann-Marie MacDonald. …show more content…

After finding herself in the Shakespearean world, Constance stops the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet through plot interventions. After saving Romeo’s life, Constance becomes involved in a love triangle with Romeo and Juliet. More so, Romeo and Juliet no longer love each other, as they both become infatuated with Constance. For instance, Constance’s relationship with Juliet defines a positive, yet restrained, view of homosexual love within the martial rules of Elizabethan culture. In a moment of lesbian passion, Juliet discovers that Constance is actually a woman, and she falls in love with

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