
Homosexual Lifestyle Is Extremely Harmful

Decent Essays

Homosexual lifestyle is extremely harmful

A question many people have is, what harm is it to allow same-sex couples the same benefits married heterosexual couples have? Or what harm is there in allowing gays to fill authoritative positions in society who act as role models for our children?
The answer is that it is extremely harmful to our children and society as a whole. If our children have role models who are gay, they will think being gay is something that is acceptable by society.
It has become a trend to call it an "alternative lifestyle" or one's "sexual orientation." Others refer to it as a gay lifestyle, according to an article by Farjm Majd, "The Homosexual Relationship."
Gay activists are trying to take the focus off …show more content…

Here are a few people we have "allowed" to fill authoritative positions in our society and act as role models for our children: Achilles, Alexander the Great, Aristotle, Francis Bacon, Ludwig van Beethoven, Aaron Copeland, Leonardo da Vinci, Julius Caesar, Michelangelo, John Milton, Plato, Sappho, Shakespeare, Tchaikovsky, Tolstoy and Voltaire - it could be argued that our society was invented by gay people. Whether Western society is a good thing remains to be seen, I guess, but it's what we have to work with, and I think the best direction is forward: tolerance, acceptance, diversity of opinion and of belief, and the courage to accord justice to all people, regardless of the color of their skin, their religion (or lack thereof) or their sexual preference.
Do we want to turn back the clock and change our constitution in the direction of intolerance and bigotry? I guess we'll find out.

Learn the difference between sex, lifestyle
Letter to the editor

John Mielke's diatribe against the homosexual "lifestyle" (Sunday's Juneau Empire) would be funny if it wasn't so ignorant. He needs to be a little more careful in his choice of words.
One definition of "lifestyle" is "the way a person lives, including patterns of social relations, consumption, entertainment, dress, attitudes, values or worldview." I guess he is

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