
Homogeneous Mixture Lab Report

Decent Essays

Morgan Anderson
Kamryn Johnson
Payton Johnson
Sydney Roy
6th period
Separation of Mixtures
A mixture is a blend of at least two types of matter. The two types of mixtures are heterogeneous and homogeneous. A heterogeneous mixture is a mixture that does not appear the same throughout. A homogeneous mixture is a mixture that is identical everywhere. A mixture could be composed of elements and compounds; both are pure substances. A compound is when multiple elements are put together, like water. Everything has chemical and physical characteristics and these qualities help scientists classify matter.

If the properties are identified and utilized, then the heterogeneous mixture can be separated.

• Sample mixture …show more content…

Pour everything in the beaker into the evaporating dish, using a Popsicle stick to scrape the sand into the evaporating dish.
5. Put the wire gauze onto the ring stand and place the evaporating dish in the center of the wire gauze, then use a striker to light the Bunsen burner with a low flame and place the Bunsen burner on the base of the ring stand under the wire gauze, once the water boils, use beaker tongs to remove the evaporating dish from the ring stand and set it on the desk, then turn off the Bunsen burner.
6. Put the filter paper in the funnel and place the funnel over the 20 ml beaker and using the beaker tongs, carefully pour the salt and water from the evaporating dish into the funnel until there is mostly sand left in the dish and wait 3 minutes for all the salt and water to go through the funnel and into the 20 ml beaker, then take the filter out of the funnel and using the first Popsicle stick scrape off the melted stearic acid onto paper towel 3.
7. Using the second Popsicle stick, scrape the sand from the evaporating dish onto paper towel 4 and then pour only the water from the 20 ml beaker into the second 15 ml beaker and put the sand left in the 20 ml beaker onto paper towel …show more content…

What made you decide to do your procedural steps in the order that you did them? Would any order have worked?
• To separate the easiest item out first and then move on to the harder ones
• No (iron couldn’t have gone in water, iron and stearic acid can’t have been boiled)
2. If you were able to do the lab over again, what specific things would you do differently?

3. Name any materials or tools that were not available that might have made the separation of the substances easier.

4. For each of the four components, describe a specific physical property that enabled you to separate it from the rest of the mixture.
• Iron filling- magnetic
• Stearic acid- buoyant
• Sand- clumps together and sticks when wet
• Salt- soluble in water
5. Discuss the relationship you expect to find between the speed of the process and the purity of the components recovered. Which do you think is more important? Explain your

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