
Homo Sapiens Research Paper

Decent Essays

After living on the Earth for approximately 3.0 to 3.9 million years, it seems that the Australopithecus afarensis have a new species emerging into the world – Homo sapiens. They have developed far more improving traits that has changed the evolution of species forever. The three main different characteristics the Homo sapiens have compared to other apes are that they walk with an upright posture, their head size are much larger in size, and the way their teeth are formed are completely different. This comes to show that Homo sapiens have morphed into a predominant species by their use of locomotion, their modern dental system, and their large brain size making them the most unique and dexterous species amongst any other species that have yet …show more content…

The one major difference that separates Homo sapiens amongst all other monkeys are their dental formula. New World Monkeys have two incisors, one canine, three premolars, and three molars. The only difference for humans is that they have one less premolar, making their dental formula become Their diastema has gone obsolete between the incisors and canines, reducing the size of the teeth that sit anteriorly from the incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. The premolar teeth located on the upper jaw consists of two comparable roots resulting in making it bicuspid. This makes it common amongst the Homo sapiens as well as their molars, which have three roots instead of two like other apes (Duckworth 132). The most important difference between the Homo sapiens and other apes, is their Y-5 pattern. The pattern of these molars allowed them to grind their food on the five cusps surface rather than shear it. It made a major impact as dental adaptation enabled Homo sapiens to eat more hard foods that consisted of more nutrients. With thick enamel and a stronger jaw, it is evident that the post-canine teeth were used for grinding tough foods which turned to be their main diet. Due to these large molars, humans have had diet consisting of mostly fruits and meat. The changing of dentition caused a new trait in early hominids that changed our dietary …show more content…

They have the largest brain weight compared to the earlier hominids as their weight have reached a heavy1,350 grams. That is 501 grams more than the species that existed before Homo sapiens. A main focus is on the two areas of communications in the brain, the Broca’s area and the Wernicke’s area. The Broca’s area is located in the frontal lobe and is always larger in the left hemisphere than the right. This defines language ability. Thus, explains why the Broca’s area in humans are relatively larger than those of other apes. It also explains why we are move advanced in language. The Wernicke’s area, which is located right in the temporal lobe, is where the most essential area for language comes from – the planum temorale. It is reflective of the dominance of the left hemisphere because it is involved in communication. The planum temporale is seen to be much larger than those in other apes because it extends more posteriorly (Caroll 852). On the other hand, the change of the brain size did not occur by itself. The weight of the brain is based on the weight of the body. Therefore, Homo sapiens have smaller body mass than apes who had larger bodies and smaller brain size. The development of the brain granted Homo sapiens improvement as they became competent enough to communicate and make

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