I am a piece of an American family, and we are noisy, yet in some cases they simply don't know when to calm down. In the event that i am attempting to do homework and my father is impacting music its pretty diverting. An approach to fathom this is have two or three hours in the day where its noiseless so we can do our
While conducting my ethnography I have interviewed five All-Girl members, and four Coed members of the Spirit program. By interviewing one more All-Girl members I hope to even out my biases due to being a part of the Coed team. Yet, before defining the differences found between the two teams, I will share the apparent similarities. Both teams show strong linguistic accommodations which I have observed at numerous appearances, such as changing the way one would speak due to their audience. When present at an appearance all members of the Spirit program are expected to intermingle and socialize with attendees. During the course of this exchange it became apparent that accommodating for the age of audience drastically changed the way the team members spoke. For example, when Jules Wazny was speaking to an elderly man she reduced the tempo at which she spoke and asked questions about the game and respectfully shook his hand; yet when she was speaking to a child she spoke in a higher pitch tone, offered the child her poms to play with, and asked questions such as how old the child was. These actions represent convergence, changing ones language to better fit the style of the recipient, which was not only found with All-Girl Cheerleader Jules Wazny, but also throughout the program. An example from a Coed member was Vivi Benbrook changing how she spoke with a middle age male, in a calm and respectful manor asking questions of the game such as where his seats where, and if he thought we were going to win. Contrast this to when she spoke to an elderly women, she used a higher pitch when asking if she was excited, and telling her to stay warm in this cold weather. All members, once wearing affiliated attire, whether it is practice gear,
For my ethnographic fieldwork, I decided to do my research on the Jewish culture. I interviewed a friend of mine at her house, which is the field site I decided to work in. To protect her identity I changed her name to Rebecca. As soon as I got to her house I notice there was a small piece of metal on the side of her doorpost with hebrew text written on it. I enter the house and she greeted me and took me to her living room.In her living room I noticed she had a tray of bite size cookies for us and a Snapple drink. The cookies were sweet and they did not have strong odor. My friend wore black slacks a white blouse and a star necklace around her neck. After a while, her brother and father came in and I noticed they had a little cap on the top of their heads. I asked her questions about her religion and culture.
The predicted antigenic regions were chimerically expressed in a bacterial system. Briefly, two sets of PCR primers were designed according to gD gene sequence available in GenBank (accession number: NC_001847) to amplify gene fragments encoding aa 20-160 (nucleotide 118953~119375, Δ gD1) and aa 257-344 (nucleotide 119664~119927, Δ gD2), respectively. The primers sequences for amplification of Δ gD1(P1 and P2) and Δ gD2 (P3 and P4) were listed in Table. 1.
My original topic I chose was intended to be the study of the shopping differences between men and women, with other factors being taken into consideration. I had picked this topic because I know in today’s society, women are pictured as over-emotional and over-spending who can’t control themselves. I wanted to somehow prove this wrong. During my four hours researching, I found that no one was buying anything. I decided to switch my question into something that was more applicable: Are people still buying things at the mall? I would watch as groups of people walk past carrying nothing. If no one was buying, why are malls still being built?
Imagine a trip to one of the most beautiful mountain sceneries in the world. Now imagine that this scenic trip also includes sporting entertainment and historic landmarks. Welcome to the mountains of the Pyrenees. There is absolutely nothing to lose and possibly everything to gain by booking a summer vacation to this realm of marvelous and beautiful land. The Pyrenees is an exquisite range of mountains located in southwestern Europe. This intensely beautiful mountain range is the barrier dividing Spain and France. It is approximately 21,380 square miles and contains parts of twelve French and Spanish provinces. Discover the beautiful significance of the Pyrenees National Park. Witness the historical thrilling events of the Tour de France as it passes through the Pyrenees route.
The site chosen for this ethnographical study was The Square on downtown Arcata, California. This location was selected based on what we speculate is an increased population of transient individuals. Many Humboldt State University students and faculty are represented in this area due to its close proximity. The question this study will address the question of what it means to be a member of the transient community and how it is that they interact with the permanent residents or students of Arcata. This question will be examined by analyzing information collected in the field while observing and interviewing members of transient and non-transient populations.
A norm is a socially expected behavior that may change based on a person, place, or situation. An agency is a freedom of choice. For my ethnographic research, I have to observe a public place in which people commonly interact with each other. A public place that stood out to me was the Lockwood library third floor. I chose this location because it is not similar to a usual library, it is the complete opposite. Libraries enforce strict rules like no eating and no talking. Lockwood floor three says otherwise. The floor is filled with long tables that can seat around twenty people each. Ironically, there are no bookcases on this floor, just tables everywhere. There is one group study room on this floor which can be reserved by students which is the size of an average classroom.
The article by Peter Benson (2008) takes place in North Carolina where there were 16 months of ethnographic fieldwork conducted in order to understand the agriculture workers who worked on tobacco farms. The purpose of the article is to expose farm labor conditions since the conditions have remained hidden from the public. The farmworkers of the fields experience low wages, poverty, limited access to healthcare, as well as a constant fear of deportation. Their migrant housing was in deplorable conditions. Farm labors are among the worst housed group in the U.S. The fact that farmworker camps were located in very rural and isolated areas basically invisible to the general public creates suffering, disease, and often times were overlooked because
The school that I attended for high school was very rigorous, with a strict uniform policy. Girls had to wear grey skirts that were no more than one inch above the knee. The height of the skirts wasn't really enforced too much, until several girls started getting called out for rolling theirs up and wearing them “too short.” Due to this, our principal decided to enforce the rule more strongly, and hired someone to stand in the lobby with a ruler and measure the length of the skirts of all the girls coming into school. If the skirt was more than one inch above the knee, parents were called and the student wasn't permitted to attend class. Because the majority of the female student population of the school disagreed with the principal's views
This is my first time that I come to New York, so I am curious about many things in this new place, such as the famous resorts, and the people here. As we know, the Times Square is very famous in New York. When I was in China, I hope I can visit Times Square, because I saw Times Square was very great in some of the opening of American series. Now, I am in New York, and I have enough chances to visit Times Square whenever I want. In there, it gives me a new horizon to understand the culture that is different from China.
Recording to “Sometimes it is the other way around. A white person is set down in our midst, but the contrast is just as sharp for me” which relates to my own experience regarding the psychology class. Never before have I been exposed to how it feels to be a “minority” in society. In the class, I was one of few yellow students and had the opportunity to take in how it feels to be outnumbered racially. The phrase about how someone does not know how it feels until you are put in that position is true. This class has been an eye-opening experience for me to see how African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and all other minority races in the United States must feel. Though I was in the minority, I did not feel any less proud or ashamed of whom I am.
In my ethnographic study, I apply theoretical concepts developed by Erving Goffman in The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life to the behavior of employees in the retail department store, Macy’s. Goffman (1959) argues that social interactions in everyday life can be understood as presentations between performers and audiences. Within social establishments, he suggests four analytical frameworks may govern how performers stage their “characters” including the technical, political, structural and cultural; he also argues that the aforementioned perspectives are situation-specific and thus can also be analyzed within a broader dramaturgical framework (Goffman 1959). The task of this research project is to determine the relative importance of
While others claim that photography captures the inner soul of a person, or deliberately defines it as painting or writing with light, but in my case, it is just simply a newfound love hobby. I undeniably adore and look up to expert photographers I encounter down the road may it face-to-face or the other way around. In my heart, I silently desire that someday, with hard work, determination, and perseverance, I will become professional and famous as they are. Since my husband bought a Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) as an anniversary gift, my penchant for photography commenced and ignited. Let me detail the essential truths behind my passion over photography.
Anthropology is field where research plays the biggest part in dissecting and understanding a topic. Surveys and questionnaires, are not as effective in this field as it would have been in engineering is because, anthropology deals with people. According to me people would not be slight bit interested divulging the details of their life with a stranger, whom they just met on a piece of flimsy paper. Even if they are willing to do that, they may only give a vague sketch of their life or the worst case scenario, where the participants are illiterate. Thus Field work regardless how excruciatingly long and hard it is, it is very important because it gives the holistic view on a topic as an outsider as well as an insider.
In late April of my senior year of high school my Twin sister, Sherri, wanted to go do a photoshoot for her intro to photography class. Without knowing a thing about what she was doing both my best friend, Ashley, and I agreed to help her out with this. After school was over that afternoon, we began to walk off campus toward Sherri’s intended destination. Little did either of us know that she wanted to visit the old abandoned hospital less than a mile off campus. “Doesn’t this count as trespassing,” one of us said, but Sherri just waved off the concern. Her professor encouraged going to places like this, she had said. Walking down the street she just went right up to the front entrance and waltzed in like she wasn’t doing anything illegal at