On the other side, there are people who believe that homeschooling is good for children because it allows parents to spend more time with their kids. In the article “Homeschooling is Good for families,” the author talks about how they took their kids and traveled all over to teach their kids about geography (Brown). They talked about how they had spent 3 months in Australia to learn not only about geography but geology, flora, fauna and literature (Brown). They are spending more time with family traveling and learning new things from experience. If they were in school they wouldn’t be able to travel, but instead they would be sitting in the class room seeing pictures, verses experiencing it first hand. If both parents work, it is hard for them
In the article “Why I Homeschool: The Answers Change Almost as Fast as My Kids Do. But My Commitment to At-Home Learning Remains Strong.” Amy Thornton-Kelly initially home schooled her three children in order to spend more time with them. This was her only reason, or so she thought. Amy Thornton–Kelly explains the many reasons why homeschooling is the best decision she has made. First, she explains that once her husband and her considered homeschooling “the floodgates opened” to the many benefits of homeschooling. It alleviates stress, allows her kids to learn in a healthier environment and allows her to teach her kids in a more profound way. Second, Thornton-Kelly states that homeschooling allows her kids to better master subjects,
However, if on one hand homeschooling can provide the student with freedom on different levels, on the other hand learning at home can drastically reduce parents’ freedom and can consume a lot of their time causing stress and frustration in most cases.
The position argued is that homeschooling should be outlawed because they claim students are not getting the social interaction that they should. Their proof is the book “Revealing school.” The information is reliable coming from a book. The article was published in April of last year. It gives a lot of strong points on why homeschooling should not be allowed. They are going against what the government says making it a ethical and logical argument.
Being homeschooled gives you options for yourself and your surroundings. “They’ve had complete control over their bodies, minds and spirits almost all their lives. As a result, they know exactly who they are and what they’re passionate about” (Source B). Homeschooling makes you think outside of the box. Think learning on a new level, you can still
Another reason that people may think homeschooling is not good for kids, is that they don’t get a well rounded education. In the article “Homeschooling Curricula Do Not Meet Academic Standards,” it talks about how a mother or father can teach their kids when they, the parents, haven’t been to college (Shives). The teachers that teach in public, private, and charter schools have gone to college to learn how to teach their students. These teacher take years of college to be able to teach kids what they need to know. The teachers take specialized classes for specific grade levels as well. These classes are all tailored to help kids learn in each stage of their lives. In my personal experience when I’ve had Algebra homework and needed help, my
Though there are a lot of benefits and advantages to being home schooled, there are also many disadvantages. Home schooling takes a lot of time to plan, and it can be hard on the parents to balance schooling with other home duties. Though home schooling allows parents to pick the time that the schooling will take place, it is a full-time job for one parent. One major disadvantage of home schooling is that it requires the parents to pay for everything with their own finances, this can cause financial pressure on the family. Only one parent would be able to have a full time job and they will have to pay for books and other reading material with their own money. Even if they choose to have a teacher come into their home to do the schooling, it would still require them to pay him/her for their services.
In the other hand parents who choose to home school their kids are faced with a great deal of advantages. Home schooling a child means that a parent has to give 100 percent dedication into teaching there child. One great asset to home schooling is that children are often way ahead in their grade work as compared with their peers in public school. They learn to read much earlier and advance through their subjects much faster and in a more thorough manner, due to more individualized attention and subject-specific attention. By being taught at home, the student has immediate access to the "teacher", and can ask questions at just about any time without having to worry about other students and their learning habits. Parents don’t have to worry about the safety of their child when it comes to home schooling. The child is in the home and always being watched if something where to happen it would be the parents’ responsibility and the parent would know what to do
Bush, Vanessa. “The Well-Adjusted Child: The Social Benefits of Homeschooling.” The Well-Adjusted Child: The Social Benefits of Homeschooling. Gale Cengage Learning. Accessed 15 Apr. 2017. Excerpt originally published in The Well-Adjusted Child: The Social Benefits of Homeschooling, , p. 288.
As a fifth generation Argentinian citizen, I consider myself Latino, even though I am also an Italian and Polish citizen. As a result of being highly mobile and having found MOOCs very interesting and giving access to very high quality professors and curricula, along with the possibility of tracing my own academic path I successfully challenged my parents to do homeschooling. Due to my unique situation I acquired a variety of diverse interests during this time. My foremost interest and overall goal in life is to constantly learn and improve myself, thanks to this mind set being a part of a research team and performing research is my main interest for university and beyond.
Homeschooling a child can drastically affect their lives in the future, and put them in a clouded state of mind for seeing what the world is. Schooling your child from home will hold them back from learning a wide variety of basic skills that can be easily provided in public or private school systems. Although some see homeschooling as a good way to shelter their children from the world they view as harsh, it is not giving them any chance to gain common social skills. Social skills cannot be taught to a child, they are something the child must learn from interaction with his or her peers. Furthermore, homeschool teachers are not required the level of training and experience that a teacher at a public school are required (Hudak). Diversity is something widely portrayed in school systems; however, homeschooling doesn't allow students to bear witness to the diverse nature found in school systems.
Homeschool is a way for some kids to stay focused on their subjects and not have any distractions. Some kids have trouble with classroom settings, so the best option is for them to get away from others and focus on what is in front of them. Some kids have been bullied to the point where there is no other option but to be homeschooled. The effects of being homeschooled can be both good and bad and it can take a toll on what the child is feeling and also how they react to people and situations they encounter.A child that is being homeschooled can only so many social skills from their parents and the internet to the point that it will not be able to handle other people in the real world but that is false because most kids that I have met are actually very sociable. One effect being homeschooled can have is that the child has to learn everything from their parents or their tutor. This effect is a good one because a child that is learning from the same teacher will not be afraid to ask questions and voice their concerns about anything. Another effect of being homeschooled is that the child is focusing so much on the work they are assigned that can learn at their own speed and they do not have to slow down or speed up their learning from the others around them. A final effect of being homeschooled is that a child might always be stuck in their house and not get enough exercise.
Is homeschooling a more effective way of teaching than public schooling? Before I can answer this simple yet controversial question I first must look into two types of educational environments. The first type is public schooling where there is one teacher with a classroom full of usually around 25 to 30 students sitting at a desk or tables. Here the children learn self-help skills and different ways of communication with one another. The other type of learning environment is homeschooling, where students study at home everything a student would would be learning if that student were in a public school. I feel that homeschooling is an effective way of learning because children can develop special talents because there is extra time. There is one issue and that is parent’s education. Parent education has been the greatest factor when parents are homeschooling their children.
Whether or not homeschooling is good for children is a big issue in our world today. People bring up problem after problem with homeschool. Since homeschooling has been around since the world has started, it can still work today, even though it is strongly opposed by the world.
Homeschooling has existed for generations. Homeschool is an educational form which utilizes parents, tutors, or online classes as the child’s primary teachers. History has seen many notable homeschoolers such as: author Agatha Christie, inventor Thomas Edison, and Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. In the United States today, nearly two million children receive their education through homeschooling. The number of homeschooled children is projected to increase steadily over the next few years. This surge in popularity has presented a crucial question: should homeschoolers have access to public sports? Often, homeschoolers are denied this basic luxury on illogical grounds. In this paper, I will argue homeschooler inclusion in three ways.
First time I heard about homeschooling, I had tons of question about it. I was wondering. What are some requirement that parents have go through to be able to teach their children? Why parents choose homeschool rather then let’s their children go to compound school, and how they manage their schedule? What are some approach that parents use to teach? However, after question myself; the image of homeschooling have refresh on my childhood’s school. During my childhood, my family used to do homeschool. My dad provide chalks, blackboard, and textbooks. My uncle and my brother were teachers. They taught my sibling and me math, reading and writing. Sometime, my dad taught us English.