
Homes For Homeless

Decent Essays

Homelessness is occurring more often in the poor economy, but there are several states in America attempting to rectify this. Recently there have been plenty of articles written on this subject, one article is “Tiny homes for the homeless: an affordable solution catches on” which was written in 2014 by a freelance writer named Erica Lundahl. Another article on ending homelessness was written by Business Insider columnist, Natasha Bertrand, entitled “Utah found a brilliantly effective solution for homelessness”. Although, both articles contain useful facts on why building homes for the homeless is effective, “Tiny homes for the homeless: an affordable solution catches on” is superior because the article states a wide range of information.
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The state of Utah has less than three hundred homeless people and believe they will stop homelessness by the end of 2015 by a program called Housing First. Sam Tsemberis, a psychologist from New York University, thought of offering free counseling, therapy and healthcare included in the Housing First program considering a large number of individuals in need were alcoholics, traumatized or had brain damage. However, the free counseling, therapy and healthcare is not mandatory, Housing First is a stable home with no strings attached. Bertrand reveals that “People get to keep their state-provided apartment even if they keep abusing drugs or alcohol. In this way, Housing First has been more effective at keeping people off the streets than transitional housing, which requires that homeless people get a job and get sober before they are given more permanent options” (Bertrand). However, Housing First is not completely free, new residents are required to pay $50 or 30% of their total income for the month to cover rent. Although this article is informative there are a few words that feel as though they should not be in formal writing, and Bertrand chose a photo from the television network Comedy

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