
Homelessness Research Paper

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I would like to you recognize that Homelessness should be apart of one of the isms. They are classified into their own group with their own stereotypes and perceptions that are just like sexism, racism, and the rest of the isms. I also feel that out of all the minority groups they are the most often overlooked and are subject to their own discrimination. This is all I could think about while helping at the road home. I could bore you with a step-by-step of what my group and I did but it was nothing other than opening cans of fruit and dishing cottage cheese. Although it was helpful to the others in the kitchen I feel that it is not of importance to my experience I had while there.
While driving through Salt Lake that day I was paying more …show more content…

This was my expectation and was disappointed when I found out we would only be working in the back. I was hoping for a story of someone that I met while there and how they helped fit my idea of how not all homeless people are the same. While that didn’t happen, I got something even better. The man in charge of running the entire kitchen said that they only hire people on the streets that have dedicated their time to the road home and in return compensated once they have proven themselves reliable. This made me think that he to had to have been homeless at some point. This man was the most on top, running around, hard working and priority driven person I think I have seen or met (other then my mother). How could he be classified as lazy? Being a hard worker is not often times a learnt behavior, and this man was dedicated to his job and there is no slacking off when prepping 1200 meals a …show more content…

The factors included mental illness, domestic violence, and lack of affordable housing in the area or lack of employment opportunities along with drug or alcohol abuse. Most of these factors are entirely out of the person’s control. As I was researching I found that according to the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty was that of homeless women and families. They stated, “For women in particular, domestic violence is a leading cause of homelessness”. The report also stated that the top causes of homelessness among families were: (1) lack of affordable housing, (2) unemployment, (3) poverty, and (4) low wages, in that order. They also did a report in 2012 that of the “sheltered” homeless 38.6 was disabled. As we have learned over the course of this semester disabled people have higher costs of living, and it may be harder for them to find a job with whatever disability they have. There is also about 2.5 million homeless children, or 1 in every 30 who were homeless in 2013, and 1,258,182 students homeless during the school year all with increasing rates from that of the last year according to the same

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