
Homeless Veterans Essay

Decent Essays

Countless numbers veterans that have served in the military are dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Men and women have experience detrimental incidents that caused them PTSD and some are unable to recover from it or cope with their own feelings, in many cases they are their own enemy because some know that they are need help however some refuse to address it because of their pride. The military initially show their troops to oppress their feelings and to deal with their feelings after returning back from war. Veterans are displaying symptoms of PTSD when they are returning home to extreme extend some are suicidal and homicidal. While in combat things are so up-tempo that it gives them minimum time about what is really going on around …show more content…

These four groups were then compared on background characteristics, mental health diagnoses, housing status, and clinical status (21 variables) at program admission using non-parametric, omnibus Kruskal–Wallis analysis of variance and chi-square tests (Tsai, Kasprow, & Rosenheck, 2014)”. A thorough look into what are the cons of homeless it does not only affects the homeless person but it also affects a society as a whole. Homeless veterans need continuous services, they need intense counseling. Homeless veterans have not only lost their homes but in many situation they have also lost their families. “Yet there is little understanding of the risk of homelessness and of the unique characteristics and clinical needs of homeless veterans who served in Operations Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, and New Dawn (OEF/OIF/OND) (Tsai, Pietrzak, & Rosenheck,

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