
Homeless Men In Dr. Myrick's Extreme Measures

Decent Essays

In the 1996 film, Extreme Measures, Dr. Myrick is a neurologist who experiments on healthy spines of the homeless in order to find a cure for paralysis. Dr. Myrick strongly believed in his research and the experiments he performed on the homeless men, which provided hope for his paralytic patients. He believed he was acting in the interest of the greater good and that the sacrifices being made were not only necessary, but also the right thing to do. He supports his position by stating that the homeless men he is experimenting on are not victims, but that “They are heroes. Because of them millions of people will walk again.” (Apted, Extreme Measures). While Dr. Myrick’s defense of his actions may be convincing, and his intentions good, the use of homeless men in his experiments is wrong. By limiting his test subjects to homeless men, …show more content…

Myrick seems to blur the lines between right and wrong. He states, “Good doctors do the correct thing. Great doctors have the guts to do the right thing” (Extreme Measures). He compares his experiment to the choice that Dr. Luthan made at the beginning of the film, saving the police officer instead of the shooter stating, “You take care of the ones you think you can save” (Extreme Measures). For him, taking the lives of a few homeless men in order to provide millions of paralytics with a chance to walk again was the moral choice. He makes convincing arguments for his position that make one rethink their own position on the matter. Dr. Myrick poses the question “if you could cure cancer by killing one person, wouldn’t you?” (Extreme Measures). The outcome of curing cancer is desirable, but by what means is it achieved? Additionally, Dr. Myrick puts Guy in the same position as his paralytic patients. When asked what he would do to be able to walk again, Guy replied that he would do anything. Being put in that position makes it more difficult to differentiate right from

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