
Homeland Security Threats

Decent Essays

Challenges that serve as an impediment in meeting our homeland security commitment.
Electricity is one of the most productive forces known but it can also be dangerous and detrimental to infrastructure and security of assets across the Nation if it is lost or compromised. Physical and cybersecurity could be described under the steps to ensure the homeland security role is met, however the AEP’s dependence on technology in order to succeed cannot be understated. Every year the cybersecurity realm grows and the support for securing and managing cyber seems to fall further behind. Several high profile attacks affecting financial, healthcare, retail and entertainment industries demonstrate the potential impact of the threats” (AEP 2015, 2). These events do prepare the AEP in assessing our own cybersecurity procedures and resources to determine where we may need to strengthen the defense of our company but also increases our awareness of how real the threat is (AEP 2015, 2). …show more content…

The PCII program establishes the framework that this information will be protected but the current public-private affiliation still has areas that need improvement. One such area is the lack of information sharing at an operational level between private and public operations. One possible solution to this could be the establishment of both private sector liaisons and federal representatives as full time positions in the opposite sector in order to foster the accountability and trust between private and public entities (Energy SSP 2010, 92). We feel that we have a comfortable relationship with federal agencies, such as the DHS, but would like to further increase the amount of information sharing without the fear of

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