
Homeland Security Policy

Decent Essays

There are many different elements that contribute to an effective homeland security policy. Our current policy and programs have never been formally evaluated for their success, yet they are still fully funded each year regardless of whether they are making a lasting impact in deterring terrorism. I would strongly recommend changing our current homeland security policy in a few aspects. These changes can be made regarding the setup of the Department of Homeland Security as well as the evaluation of the programs to determine their impact. Department of Homeland Security Changes Following the September 11th attacks there was a massive rush to create a new agency to improve our national security. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is the …show more content…

Office of Management and Budget have recommended, a cost-benefit based approach should be taken when evaluating homeland security programs. The amount of spending on homeland security has skyrocketed into the billions following 9/11 and we currently have no way to know if this enormous budget is justifiable. Without conducting the proper evaluation, we are unable to know if improvements could be made to these programs or if we could be redistributing this money in a more effective way. Many politicians are driven by fear when they create their homeland security policies which results in excess spending. With our national debt climbing every day it is imperative that we take measures to justify our spending. If my prior suggestion of splitting up the Department of Homeland Security was implemented, it would make the task of evaluating the programs and policies much simpler. Each small group of agencies could be assigned an evaluator(s) to complete a cost-benefit analysis. The results obtained from these evaluations would be immensely beneficial in determining how to better prepare the next budget for homeland security and in making changes to each agency’s programs. Mueller and Stewart have also pointed out how the Department for Natural Hazards have a highly sophisticated evaluation system currently in place which the DHS could model their system

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