
Hollywood Research Paper

Decent Essays

When it comes to defining pioneering examples of the west, none portray it better than Hollyowood cinema. Viewed and admired and followed all over the world, it is the biggest film industry in the entire world. Of more than two hundred countries and their several film bases, none have influenced the film industry more than Hollywood.

With icons over the years like Charlie Chaplin, James Dean, Marlon Brando and the recent wave of iconic actors like Tom Cruise, Robert Downey Jr., Brad Pitt recognized everywhere they may go, it is fair to say that Hollywood has clearly reached out to the world. Their movies, their roles, the filmmaking techniques leagues above, Hollywood is the benchmark influence on all the cinema of the world.

Animation, camera techniques, aesthetic elements, make up, film scripts and screenplay are some of the major influences on the other film industries of the world. The grand execution of the elements defines Hollywood movies, the perfection of this execution takes it far and wide over the world. Legendary …show more content…

As Hollywood has always been the country for the professional cinema, with the production budget and the work culture, that helps them to experiment in every way possible. From camera to lighting, from huge set designs to the make up making them a whole different someone. This has influenced the world cinema in an inspirational way

From Cassavates' films to the indie culture all over. From Orson Welles' Citizen Kane has changed how the camera moves and the editing process all over. How Scorsese's potrayalvof neighbourhood lives in New York ignited ideas on low life as a

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