
Hollywood Court Cases

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The direction of the filmmaking business was forever shifted with the inception of both the Hollywood blacklist and the Paramount decision. In essence the Paramount decision and the HUAC hearings that encompassed the filmmaking realm, studios began changing their organizational structure at alarming rates like never before (Lewis 2004). American culture and the way the film market was constructed and adhered too had to undergo massive changes that affected the box office at alarming rates as well. In regards to the Hollywood blacklist,director’s thought to be under communist thought were summoned by HUAC. These directors were most famously dubbed “The Hollywood Ten”(Hollywood Blacklist). Both of these events on the timeline of American film …show more content…

The root cause of the Paramount decision was rooted in the belief that major production studios broke act 1 and two of the Sherman Act (The Paramount Case). In essence, studios were trying to monopolize the realm and production of motion pictures. While this may have been true, this court ruling led to a plethora of negative and positive changes in the world of film. For instance, the average movie attendance at local theaters across the country began to dwindle, there was a 43% drop in sales (Lewis 2004). The once glorious and rather extravagant studios were now not as glorious as they used to be, causing such a deflux in the box office. In the 1950’s a new idea was shifted into the minds and hearts of film making productionists, a new Hollywood had to be conceptualized. This Hollywood had to take a modern road to production and form an alliance or truce with the counterpart of television(Lewis 2004). With the inception of the Hollywood Blacklist, many changes became stretched across the canvass of film making. In the year of 1947 HUAC, summoned many filmmaking professionals under the suspicion that they had links to communism or communist thought and belief (Hollywood Blacklist). Then infamous men were summoned and became the subject to controversy, all of them serving jail time. The list grew to over 100 hundred people and devastated the filmmaking industry. Producers were no longer able to produce the films that the public wanted due to the intense war with communism that took place during their

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