Chemotherapy is the most used drug or combination of drugs in the United States primarily to combat malignant tumors at the cost of even damaging the healthy cells. The purpose of chemotherapy is to either slow down or halt the spreading of the cancerous tumor. Yet, there is another way that is not widely used to fight against malignant tumors and that is the holistic approach. The holistic approach is showing promise to combat cancer and that is to eat organic fruits and vegetables, take natural supplements and to eliminate refined sugars and oils to name a few. With the two different ways to combat cancer in mind, it would be beneficial for cancer patients to use the holistic approach instead of chemotherapy since it does not damage any of …show more content…
The information would help the people to transition away from toxic chemicals and instead focus on a more naturalistic approach. O’Shea (2001) defends by saying that “Diseases are seen as general conditions that have localized…Vitalists seek to encourage the body’s innate life forces by common sense means – pure air, pure water, pure food, functioning nervous system, clean blood” (para. 14). As mentioned in this alternate outcome, chemotherapy would have completely been done with and the country would not have a chemically lead, multi-billion-dollar business that worsens people’s …show more content…
The thought that would cross most of the cancer patient’s minds would be how food, water, the environment, vitamins, sleep and destressing could kill cancer. Since the current society wholeheartedly believes in science and medicine, then most would still believe that chemotherapy is the way to kill cancer. Chemotherapy has continued to improve and evolve with time that there is chemotherapy that is currently out that does not damage any of the healthy cells within the body. That kind of cancer treatment is called targeted therapy and it is slightly different from chemotherapy. Targeted therapy is a form of chemotherapy in which the drugs sole purpose is to attack the cancerous cell and kill it with no damage to the healthy cells. The American Cancer Society medical and editorial content team (2016) states that purpose of targeted therapy is to “Block or turn off chemical signals, Change proteins, Stop making new blood vessels, Trigger your immune system, and Carry toxins to the cancer cells” (para. 9). As mentioned, targeted therapy hones in just on the cancer and even helps the body’s own immune system to help target that cancer cell so that it can destroy it. According to Lapook (2011), a couple of different types of targeted therapy were successful in blocking the cell or using the
While Season felt completely broken-down, she knew that she had no choice but to bring her background in nutrition to her own home. To build Kicker’s immunity Season implemented The Ketogenic Diet. The human body produces cancerous cells daily, so building a strong immunity is imperative when fighting off cancer cells and the harsh chemicals from treatment. The Ketogenic Diet is a new cancer treatment, which is free, with virtually no side effects. It can also be conjoined with other cancer treatments. The diet involves cutting carbohydrates, beginning with the worst carbohydrate of all, sugar (Johnson L, 2013). It is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. The diet forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. Normally the carbohydrates contained in food are converted into glucose, which are then transported around the body. However, if there are little carbohydrates in the diet then the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies. Ketone bodies are water molecules that are produced when the body is consuming very little food, which mimics fasting. Cancer is an obligate glucose metabolizer because it fuels on sugar. One’s normal cells have the metabolic flexibility to adapt from saving glucose by using ketone bodies (Johnson S, 2014). This addressed that because cancer
We are faced with diseases that attack our body's fighting mechanism each day. Millions suffer with diabetes, cancer, and heart disease each year by far. The CDC reports that heart disease is the number one leading killer among cancer and diabetes, due to the lack of diet and exercise, though cancer is steadily rising and coming in at number two. Darletta Strothers, a breast cancer survivor is now living to tell her story of a holistic vegan diet that saved her life, after being diagnosed with stage three cancer in 2014. Leaving Winship Cancer Institute in disbelief, she vowed to fight, to live, and beat breast cancer!
Abstract Cancer “Sucks” and many individuals today are dealing with it or know someone who has dealt with it. The late president Richard Nixon declared war on cancer in 1971 and we have been fighting the battle ever since (McCarthy, 2015, paras. 16). Since the declaration many possible cures were developed and chemotherapy is the one which seems to work on almost every cancer. However, this treatment has drawbacks that are either controversial or questionable as to what degree they help with defeating cancer.
What are some of the things that come to mind when you think of cancer treatments? Perhaps you envision some sort of chemotherapy treatment, or a bottle of expensive pills used to target specific genetic mutations that may have caused the horrid disease to develop. While these treatments have been proven to save some of cancers victims, research suggests that there is a natural cure that deems promising in curing cancer.
Cancer is a disease that can affect many different body parts. But no matter which body part is affected, cancer always involves cells that, due to various causes, go through genetic changes such that they start to proliferate wildly. In most forms of cancer the expanding masses of cells form tumors that eventually push against and invade neighboring tissue, disrupting body systems. In the course of time they may metastasize, travel via the blood or lymph to another part of the body where they set up new colonies that in turn grow and invade tissue. Even though terminal diseases such as cancer rely on genetic factors, a healthy diet can be designed specifically for preventing disease and
Birt, D. F.; Pelling, J. C.; Nair, S., and Lepley, D. Diet intervention for modifying cancer risk. Prog Clin Biol Res. 1996; 395:223-34.
Cancer. We all know someone who has suffered from it or has passed away because of it. Cancer now affects one in every three people, and is the second highest cause of death in the United States. For decades, the medical community has been on the hunt for a cure for cancer, and have been subjected to intense ridicule from the public because of a lack of progression toward a possible cure. In recent years, many scientists, doctors, researchers, and the general public have come to believe that the cure for cancer is being suppressed because of this lack of progress. Those who say it is suppressed claim that the drugs used to treat cancer actually cause cancer, making a patient sicker and sicker. As a result, the patients are forced to spend
o Why don 't doctors tell their patients about how cancer loves an acid environment and cannot survive in an alkaline environment? Why don 't doctors tell patients to stay away from acid-producing foods and focus on alkali-producing foods? Why not give people lists of these foods?
Every year, 1.2 million people are diagnosed with cancer and more than 500,000 people die from the disease. According to the National Cancer Institute, over 30% of these deaths can be attributed to diet. This means that the average person can greatly lower his risk of getting cancer simply by changing his diet. There is, of course, no guarantee against cancer, but the lifestyle choices that we make now can have a huge impact on our lives in the future. (
“As humans, we should already be eating foods that are similar to a person that has been prescribed a cancer diet” (Lee).
Systemic chemotherapy continues to be the treatment of choice for most patients. Most dogs treated for lymphoma will receive a multidrug chemotherapy CHOP regimen consisting of cyclophosphamide, vincristine, prednisone, and doxorubicin. During treatment for canine lymphoma, the drug L-asparaginase (L-asp) is supplemented in order to catalyze the cleavage of asparagine to ammonia and aspartate. The level of asparagine is depleted from circulating blood by use of L-asp, diminishing its availability for uptake into cells. Since high-grade canine lymphomas are aggressive cancers, with a high demand for exogenous asparagine, L-asp, in combination with prednisone, is an integral component of induction chemotherapy. 85–90% of dogs are likely to experience
Moreover, there are known treatments that cure cancer naturally where in the U.S. the American Medical Association has suppressed natural cures for cancer for decades for the purpose of profiteering. While they offer toxins and poisons in the way of radiation and chemotherapy to patients desperately seeking relief from their suffering, modern medicine has only promoted the increase in death rates of cancer
Critics often state that chemotherapy does not cure cancer. The reality is that cancer is unique to each person and cancer cells can become resistant to chemo. Some tumors can remain dormant in a person’s body for a period of time and attack the body once again creating a recurrence of the tumors. The tumors which can be found during a recurrence tend to develop a kind of immunity to treatments used previously. For example, if the cancer comes back within a year or 2 of chemo treatment, it may be resistant to the type of chemo used previously and another drug may need to be considered as an alternative. Chemo treatments are made up of multiple chemical combinations and certain treatments react better to different types of cancer than others.
There are many different type of cancers, there are also many different types of treatments. One of the most known types of treatments would be chemotherapy. Chemotherapy can be used for a wide range of different types of cancers and diseases, and each of the different types of cancers or diseases require a different group, and sometimes order, of chemicals to properly treat the cancer or disease. These chemicals include: Alkylating agents, Antimetabolites, Anthracyclines, Topoisomerase inhibitors, mitotic inhibitors, corticosteroids, and more. Each of these drugs previously listed have its own cancer type(s) or disease(s) that it can assist in treating. Some of these cancers include: Leukemia, Lymphoma, Hodgkin disease, multiple
“Every year, cancer claims the lives of more than half a million Americans.” It is also one of the leading causes of death in the United States (CDC). The United States government spends $5 million on cancer research every year and over the past years, death rates from cancer have significantly lowered (Slate). A change in diet along with exercise can help prevent cancer but cannot be cured. According to research, a diet that consist of fruits and vegetable, which are high in fiber, iron, and many other vitamins and minerals have either shown to improve the lifestyle of patients with cancer or have prevented them for getting ill. In 1970, a British physician observed that a high fiber diet prevented colon cancer and fewer cases of colon cancer were reported. However, this cannot be said the same about people with an animal based diet. People in the U.S and the Western nations who have an animal