
Holistic Approach To Chemotherapy

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Chemotherapy is the most used drug or combination of drugs in the United States primarily to combat malignant tumors at the cost of even damaging the healthy cells. The purpose of chemotherapy is to either slow down or halt the spreading of the cancerous tumor. Yet, there is another way that is not widely used to fight against malignant tumors and that is the holistic approach. The holistic approach is showing promise to combat cancer and that is to eat organic fruits and vegetables, take natural supplements and to eliminate refined sugars and oils to name a few. With the two different ways to combat cancer in mind, it would be beneficial for cancer patients to use the holistic approach instead of chemotherapy since it does not damage any of …show more content…

The information would help the people to transition away from toxic chemicals and instead focus on a more naturalistic approach. O’Shea (2001) defends by saying that “Diseases are seen as general conditions that have localized…Vitalists seek to encourage the body’s innate life forces by common sense means – pure air, pure water, pure food, functioning nervous system, clean blood” (para. 14). As mentioned in this alternate outcome, chemotherapy would have completely been done with and the country would not have a chemically lead, multi-billion-dollar business that worsens people’s …show more content…

The thought that would cross most of the cancer patient’s minds would be how food, water, the environment, vitamins, sleep and destressing could kill cancer. Since the current society wholeheartedly believes in science and medicine, then most would still believe that chemotherapy is the way to kill cancer. Chemotherapy has continued to improve and evolve with time that there is chemotherapy that is currently out that does not damage any of the healthy cells within the body. That kind of cancer treatment is called targeted therapy and it is slightly different from chemotherapy. Targeted therapy is a form of chemotherapy in which the drugs sole purpose is to attack the cancerous cell and kill it with no damage to the healthy cells. The American Cancer Society medical and editorial content team (2016) states that purpose of targeted therapy is to “Block or turn off chemical signals, Change proteins, Stop making new blood vessels, Trigger your immune system, and Carry toxins to the cancer cells” (para. 9). As mentioned, targeted therapy hones in just on the cancer and even helps the body’s own immune system to help target that cancer cell so that it can destroy it. According to Lapook (2011), a couple of different types of targeted therapy were successful in blocking the cell or using the

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