
Holden Caulfield Reaction

Decent Essays

J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye was a phenomenal book about Holden who is our main protagonist. Throughout his interactions in the novel, Holden Caulfield did not meet his expectations of astonishing encounters instead Holden was disappointed and rejected by the people he would meet. It can be argued throughout the story, as his confrontations with children are more subtle than those with adults. What could have been a graceful experience ended up being childish and absurd as Sally stated after concluding meeting up with Holden and offering to take her home “If you think I’d let you take me home, you’re mad” (174).

The Catcher was an interesting but evolved book for its age. Centered around Holden Caulfield which throughout the story had some odd yet unexpected experiences. In the opening of the novel J.D. Salinger intrigued us to find out where the story takes place due to the locus origin when it is not specified where Holden is while the premise of this wild adventure ended but as the story progresses so does the contemporary in which the teen is at escalates and soon we would see Holden is troubled. Part of what made Holden troubled was the interactions in which were encountered such as when Maurice barged into Holden's hotel room with a incongruous ending to this meeting “About halfway to the bathroom, I sort of …show more content…

The interactions are unique in their own way but all of them usually do not have a good ending for Holden. Only a few times was there good communication with an adult. Such as when the nuns who ended up being at the same place with him at the subway station “We’ve enjoyed talking to you so much” (145). There was also a similar amount of maturity upon the concurrence with Mrs.Morrow who was Ernest Morrow’s mother “She was too charming and all to be snotty” (75). But there was also intercommunication that did not end so swell. An example of this would have been with

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