
Hobbes And The State Of Nature

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1. According to Hobbes the state of nature leads to a war of all against all. What Hobbes refers to when he discusses the state of nature is a state in which there are no civil powers. To reach his conclusion about how the world would be in the state of nature, Hobbes first explains what human nature is and then explains the relationship between man and civil government.
As Hobbes sees it men are naturally in conflict. Hobbes sees three reasons for this. They are competition, diffidence, and glory. Following from the right of nature, which states that all men have the liberty to promote their own life, men naturally desire to obtain resources so as to promote their own life and obtain some form of the good. Yet there are only so many resources, and so men enter into conflict over competition of who will be able to have the limited resources, since only one person can own each resource. .
Diffidence follows from this competition. Since all men are equal in terms of mind and body, meaning that any man could kill any other man, men constantly feel threatened by other men. So, as a way promote their own self preservation, men seek out their enemies, which is every other person, and attempt to get rid of the threat they possess rather than let themselves be harmed by the threat. So, men are proactive in defeating their enemies. Finally, men enter into conflict via glory. Men value their honor and desire to be treated in a certain way. When this honor is damaged men lash out so

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