The Taxpayers party was made in 1992.The Taxpayers party is active in only two states today.This party in not a national party. This party did used to be in a matter as fact a national party but then the party got protested. That really made the founder really made. In the summer of March 17, 1992 The taxpayers party was founded. This party was started to help finance the state and the states government. The founder was a well educated man who had majored in a business degree. This man also had a lot of inheritance money. Howard J. Phillips figured that their should be a percentage of people in a state to help finance their state and help finance their government. That would also include importing and exporting goods to sister states. It would also help pay for the transportation of those good so it would help purchase trains and planes and ships. When a person for example pays at the grocery store, there is a tax collection that needs to be paid that typically finances the store. But half of your tax will go to the government. …show more content…
Phillips was born on February 3, 1941. Howard J. Phillips was a 1962 graduate of the Harvard university in Cambridge Massachusetts. He has been the head of two federal agencies he also founded the Taxpayers party. I personally agree with Mr. Phillips for creating the Taxpayers party. It helps finance our country. It also keeps our state from turning into a state of
Political parties today started to form in the late 1600’s. In 1787, Hamilton and other leaders joined and called themselves the Federalist. The Federalist party is the party which is most qualified for the presidency because the Federalist want a central government, want to avoid foreign affairs, and also want a central banking system. First a strong central governments.
The origins of the Federalist and Democratic-Republican parties can be traced back to the early 1790s. Initially, the Federalists, or broad constructionists, favored the growth of federal power and a strong central government. The Federalists promulgated a loose interpretation of the Constitution, which meant that they believed that the government could do anything by the implied powers of the Constitution or that congress had the right to interpret the Constitution based on connotation. On the contrary, the Democratic-Republicans favored the protection of states’ rights and the strict containment of federal power. The Democratic-Republicans were strict constructionists and they
Due to the rivalry among Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson who was against all attempts that were being made by Alexander Hamilton, to strengthen the federal government through National Commerce, the America’s first parties was created (Patterson, 2013, p. 191). However, the evolution of the political parties began when Alexander Hamilton came up with ideas that he felt would advance his party by organizing followers to participate in the Federalist Party (Patterson, 2013, p. 191). Hamilton acquired the name from the party which organized the ratification of the U.S. Constitution (Patterson, 2013, p. 191). Nonetheless, Thomas Jefferson reacted to Hamilton by creating the Democratic-Republican Party (Patterson, 2013, p. 191). Also, in
In 1854, The Whigs, which were a political faction and then a political party in the parliaments of England, Scotland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, started meeting in the upper midwestern states to discuss the formation of a new party. One of the meetings, which was held in Wisconsin on March 20th, 1854, is considered the founding meeting of the Republican Party. The Republican Party, which was officially founded by Abraham Lincoln, is also known as the GOP, Grand Old Party. The Republican Party was founded by anti-slavery activists, modernists, ex-whigs and ex-free soilers. The first official party convention was held on July 6th, 1854, in Jackson, Michigan.
Have you ever herd of government parties? The original parties of America were the Democratic Republicans and the Federalists. The Federalists were made by Alexander Hamilton. The DEmocratic Republicans were made by thomas Jefferson and John Adams. As you can imagine these parties had very different views for the new country. They disagreed on a lot of things, including whether they should have a strong state government or a strong federal government.
The parties formed after the Constitution was adopted as the need to systematically search for and encourage popular support became apparent. The structure of a party allows a group of like-minded politicians to mold popular support in the favor of the candidate of their choice where alone they could only accomplish the creation of multiple less organized and therefore less politically potent factions. The nature of the political system already in place gave no value to coming in second or third in elections at any level of government, leading to the natural growth of two strong parties who battle for supremacy at every election (July 22). The winner takes all, and the opposition spends their time getting ready to try again as they wait for their next chance. Once the two parties, Democrat and Republican, were firmly settled in to the system they affected legislation to give themselves automatic ballot access and state funding, making election that much harder for other parties and thereby ensuring that it remained a two party system (July 22).
In 1854, the Republican Party was established as a response to controversial issues within the United States of America. The founders of this political party ‒ anti-slavery Whigs, former Democrats, former members of the Free Soil Party and Know-Nothing Party ‒ helped to identify their ideals prior to the Civil War.
Taxes have always been a contentious issue of debate in the United States; furthermore it is exacerbated by the specific philosophy of individuals, states, and regions. Too be clearer, nobody enjoys paying taxes, however it is the cost we pay for having civilization. Nevertheless, selfishness creeps in to many individuals who feel no particular benefit. Taxes have a real way of polarizing many people from different socio-economic backgrounds, because a tax is inexorably linked to a person’s belief-system. For instance, in the context of social welfare policy liberals are inclined to feel that the tax-burden should be heaped on individuals who have benefited the most from “the system”. On the other hand, we have conservatives who feel they did not receive any support, and all that is necessary is hard work and perseverance to succeed. I am not suggesting either one is correct; it is only a simple illustration to show the relation between pocketbook and personal belief. I hope studying the tax structures of New Jersey and Alabama will give me insight they both reconcile their political beliefs with their individual tax structures.
Since the administration of George Washington two political parties have dominated the United States political system, but they have not always been the same two parties. The first two parties were the Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Federalists were those who supported a strong federal government and the Anti-Federalists were those who did not. The leaders of the Federalists were Alexander Hamilton and John Adams. Both were from the Northeast where the Federalist line of thinking was strongest. Thomas Jefferson became the leader of the Anti-Federalists. These two groups really did not considered themselves parties. The founders feared parties because they thought of them as factions.
American history is filled with ups and downs. Starting out with only 13 colonies, America forcibly removed themselves from the one of the strongest empires in the world. Battling against political reform, the subtraction of resources from the motherland, the debt accrued by colonists, and the bank wars, America struggles to create a self-sustaining country.
Neither the Jeffersonians nor their Federalist opponents admitted to being a political party. To them the term party meant the same as faction. It also meant the victory of selfishness and contention over the selfless unanimity they felt a republic needed.
The Founding Fathers believed that political parties were dangerous and a threat to a popular republican government. Despite the foreboding of the Founders, parties formed and are still around to this day. I agree with the statement that “parties make the process work, clarify issues, and present clear alternatives. And when the parties are in a weakened state, it is bad for the country.” I think in their most basic form, parties do play a vital role in our government, but I understand why the Founders were hesitant about them.
The First political parties of the United States were called the Federalists and the Democratic Republicans. These parties were formed in the 1970’s, and although they had no formal national organization, like the later parties eventually would, they had very strong beliefs. The two parties were caused by the debates of the U.S. bank, the balance of state and national powers, and much more. They had opposing views on pretty much everything, such as the government strength, the interpretation of the constitution, etc. The original political parties in America differed in their views of alliances with either the French or the British.
It started in Kansas, when William Peffer became the first populist senate member, and shortly after, the party began to grow. The party soon developed two different branches: Fusionists,
Today, political parties are an authoritative and essential component of the United States political system. However, it is important to examine how the political parties began and evolved over hundreds of years, since they were first established. In 1794, the major political parties were the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans. The major difference between these two was that the Federalists favored a strong central government, while the Democratic-Republicans preferred a central government with limited power and more state control. At the time of the election, it seemed that the prominent, distinguished Federalist Party clearly had the upper hand, but in the end the