
History Of North America

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In standard one we covered seven sections that talked about how North America looked after and before the Revolutionary War. In 1.1 we went over how North America was separated between the Spanish, French, Dutch, and English and the distinctions between the four cultures. We mainly went over the 13 colonies of the English and how they were separated by regions. In 1.2 we talked about the events that led up to the Revolutionary War and the events that happened during the war. In 1.3 and 1.4 we discussed how the American colonies were after the war and the good and bad decisions that the colonist made in their government system. In 1.5 we discussed the levels and branches of governments and checks and balances. In 1.6 and 1.7 we covered the …show more content…

How can America really have freedom of religion when other religions are looked down on and treated differently because of how they express their religion. Compared to Christianity, other religions are not treated the same. So does America really stand up to the first amendment of the Bill of Rights and accept the freedom of belief in other religions beside Christianity; or do we still follow the path of the founders of America? The separation of the Spanish, Dutch, English, and French back when North America was first founded still shows up today in how the different cultures are distributed across North America and how they impacted the US. The Spanish colonized in Mexico, California, the Southwest of the US, and Florida. Today when you look at the distribution of the Spanish culture you mostly see them in Florida and the southwest of the US. 38% of Spanish speakers reside in California and Texas while New Mexico has the highest percentage of 47. The French colonized in places like Canada, the Mississippi River, and Louisiana. Today in Canada, there is this big population of French people located in the city of Quebec; which actually is one of the places that the French colonized in the early 1600s. The Dutch colonized mainly in New York; you can tell this because some streets in New York City have Dutch names. For example, two of the most

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