
Historical Events And Themes In The Blood Wedding By Federico Garcia Lorca

Decent Essays

Name: Dolma Sherpa


Response paper to “Blood Wedding”

The Blood Wedding written by Federico Garcia Lorca is a tragic love story focusing on women and two men who love her. It was first performed in Madrid in march 1933.The play has many references to social, cultural and historical events and themes. Blood Wedding opened on Thursday November 9, 2017 at Aaron Davis Hall.

In Blood Wedding the wealthy bridegroom lives alone with his mother. The mother lost her husband and her older son. She hates seeing knife anywhere near around her for she believes the knives are responsible for the murder of her husband and son. The mother is overprotective of her son because of the two great loss in her life.The bridegroom talks about getting married to a girl which fills the mother with suspicion towards the girl, but the bridegroom clears her concern. Putting her son happiness as a priority the mother approves the marriage. The mother later finds out from the neighbor that the bride's had a relationship with none other than Leonardo Felix, who was from a rival family who ended up marrying bride’s cousin. The bridegroom and the mother go to the bride house who lives very far away. The mother asks the bride if she’s ready to marry to which the bride replies by saying yes. Later in the play we discover that Leonardo, despite of having a wife and a son is still deeply in love with the bride. The bride too is still in love

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