
Hispanic Women In Desdemona

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Stereotypes have come in many forms, both good and bad and that has played a role in the way people perceive Latinas. In Shakespeare’s tragedy Desdemona, the title character’s wife is a 16th century elitist who is married to Othello, a Moorish general of the Venetian army. She is depicted as being a loving wife but also as a cheater because of how women were portrayed back then. Similarly, because of the movie industry and traditions, hispanic women are praised for being loving and degraded for being hypersexual.
Hispanics have a tradition of being very family oriented. Every member has a role to play within the family. Girls are usually given the job of serving the man and making sure that the man as well as any younger kids are taken care …show more content…

Soap operas show this belief that “one of our (hispanics) key values is that life is worthless without love” (xpatnation) Hispanic women become very passionate when it comes to love and that leads to misinterpretations that all Hispanic women are hypersexual and promiscuous. This generalization stems from televised cliches like after the amazing first kiss, the woman will do anything for the man or the woman is stuck in a love triangle with two men and can’t decide. There is also an emphasis on sex scenes in soap operas as well as movies for dramatic effect which perpetuate stereotypes that Hispanic women are lustful creatures. Many character roles played by Hispanic women like the role of Cha Cha Digregorio in Grease or Cici in Chasing Papi degrade hispanic women into the role of being nothing but sexy. Even though Cha Cha was the best dancer at her high school, she was known for her bad reputation of sleeping around. Even though Cici was hard working, she was just a waitress being played by the main character. For the movie audience, having a story plot like so is in their best interest for entertainment purposes, but story plots with the Hispanic woman always being the sexual cause stereotypes and do not reflect reality.This stereotype of Latinas being hypersexual has also been blamed for the high rates of teen pregnancies. However, “a 2009 study looking at sexual health factors in teens by race and ethnicity shows that …show more content…

Othello believes the worst of Desdemona and rather than confront her, he threatens to “chop her into messes: cuckold me!” (4.1.202) He believes that all women will cheat on their husbands; Iago perpetuates this idea of women cheating on their husbands by planting ideas in Othello’s head. In Act I Scene 3, Iago tells Othello that “Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see. She has deceived her father, and may thee.” He is suggesting that since Desdemona married Othello behind her father’s back, then she’ll probably cheat on him without him knowing. Later on when Iago reiterates this idea in Act 3 Scene 3, Othello replies with “And so she did,” which shows that Othello also shares sexist views that all women, even the one he loves, cheat. He doesn’t think that there might be some women that have morals and that one of those women is Desdemona and that is a factor that contributed into his downfall and to many more downfalls in other marriages. Even in the bible, every woman except the Virgin Mary is vilified for tempting a man into straying from his righteous path. This shows how society perceives women and how generalizing women into this image of being hypersexual in social media and in literature can affect the attitudes of people in

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