
Hisaye Yamamoto Seventeen Syllables Summary

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With great power comes great responsibility , and there is no greater power than being a parent. Parents love their children and will do anything to protect them, but at times, they can cause more harm than help.A child must live his own life and learn from his own mistakes. Parents must learn to give their children space and allow them to make mistakes- allow them to get burned. Though a parent may assume he is protecting his child by dictating his child's life, the parent is actually harming his child and inhibiting him from obtaining his full potential.Each individual’s trial and tribulations form them. No parent has the right to impose their past experiences, whether positive or not, on their child;every child should live and learn on his own. …show more content…

In Seventeen Syllables , Hisaye Yamamoto depicts a unique parent-child relationship between a Japanese mother and her American born daughter.Rosie, the daughter, is entranced by a young man, and when Rosie’s mothers realizes her daughter’s interest, she relays her tragic past and begs Rosie not to err as she had. She pleads from Rosie to promise her that she will never marry since she-the mother- has had great difficulties in her marriage. Her mother wishes to shield Rosie and spare her the pain of marriage. As Yamamoto writes,“Rosie, promise me you will never marry!” However, in reality, she is inhibiting Rosie from a beautiful future. She convinces her daughter that marriage is deplorable because she loves her daughter dearly and does not want her to be miserable like she was. Yet, if she truly loves her daughter, she would support her daughter’s decision and allow her to make her own life choices. Rosie’s mother believes that she is protecting her daughter from sadness and depression, when in truth, she was impairing her daughter from obtaining

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