
Hipster Cafe: Case Study On Modern Cafe In Malaysia

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Modern café is one of the result of urbanization and gentrification (Cohen, September 3, 2014). As the world changes, the characteristic of café itself changes. Café just not place to sit, having a good food or drink a sip of coffee but also a place to socialize, and meeting a new person (Rao, 2011). Hipster Café is one of the most popular modern café culture among youngster in Malaysia. This paper is aim to study the factor that motivates the youngster to go to hipster café. This study is using a quantitative method. To gain primary data, 350 sets of questionnaires were distributed. Research samples are identified as the youngster of ages 18-35. The sources of secondary …show more content…

Urbanization and gentrification changes the function of traditional café to modern café that more friendly (Cohen, September 3, 2014). Hipster café is one of the modern café. The characteristic of hipster café as mention in (Truly Deeply, 2017) are having a cool brand and theme, offering premium and complicated product, providing friendly and warm environment, advocates staffs and keep it local. According to Hebdige, 1995 as cited in (Suliza Hairon, October 2017), the term hipster first appeared during 1940´s when the white people in America adopted the lifestyle of the black jazz musicians due to the fact that their way of dressing and acting was said to be hip. According to Professor Farha Ghannam, 2015, the definition of "hipster" is not fixed, but hipsters are a type of person that young adults recognize. The general conception of a hipster is a person who does not conform to traditional social norms. Hipsters are part of a subculture that is characterized by valuing independent thinking, progressive politics, and the arts. There is also a distinctive style of dress associated with hipsters - messy, colored hair styles, with bohemian influenced clothing such as skinny jeans, vintage shirts and skirts, thick rimmed glasses, and …show more content…

Question 2: Does self-congruity and functional congruity influences consumer attitude towards hipster café in Malaysia?
Question 3: Does hipster food culture influences youngster attitude toward hipster café in Malaysia?
2.0 Research Objective Researcher set 3 objective while making these research that are:
Objective 1: To identify the factor that influences customer to go to hipster café.
Objective 2: To study the role of self-congruity and functional congruity toward hipster café.
Objective 3: To examine the role of hipster food culture toward hipster café.

3.0 Justification of Research
According to (Suliza Hairon, October 2017), Hipster food culture has emergences the building of hipster café in Malaysia. Hipster café become of the attraction not from the international tourist but also local tourist. Café itself generate high income to the entrepreneur and our country.

4.0 Hypothesis Statement
Hypothesis 1: Hipster Food Culture has positive influences on youngster attitude toward hipster

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