
Hippocampus Research Paper

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The Hippocampal Role In Memory And Stress Damage The hippocampus is important for learning and memory without it you cannot learn new facts or ideas. This acts as a gateway to learning new memories, all memories must pass through the hippocampus before they can become a permanent memory in the gray matter, also known as the cerebral cortex. Hippocampal damage results in the loss of new memories, if your hippocampus is destroyed your ability to learn new facts, learn new memories or ideas is then a lost necessity. The hippocampus is about declarative knowledge, that’s the knowledge that is learned by facts and memory.Glucocorticoids have the ability to damage neurons in the hippocampus. The hippocampus is about declarative knowledge, that’s the knowledge …show more content…

GCs use the hippocampal neurons vulnerability to impair their energy metabolism. The neurons are affected greatly to such disruption. GCs affect energy production or pathologically increase energy consumption. GCs prevent glucose to be utilized in the hippocampus. GCs have proved to damage neurons of the hippocampus by using pharmacologic (branch of medicine concerned with the study of drug action)GC concentrations. Long term exposure to high levels of glucocorticoid increases the aging process of the hippocampus. The damage is most likely elevated from high concentrations of GC receptors known as (NR3C1) this represents Nuclear receptors subfamily 3, group C, member 3, their receptors found in the hippocampus. No studies show that the “GCs can be directly toxic to the hippocampal neurons. However, recent work suggest that GCs can induce a state of vulnerability in these neurons, which are then less likely to survive a broad range of metabolic insults”(Robert M. Sapolsky). GCs could harm or damage the hippocampus even at is below average concentration. The GC action is to inhibit of glucose uptake to the surrounding tissues. This action of glucocorticoids

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