
Hilda Neatby Summary

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Hilda Neatby’s work, So Much to Do, So Little Time, discusses how progressive education is problematic in an elementary and secondary school setting. She focuses on the condition of education with excerpts such as, Education for Democracy, The Product of the Training School, and My Small Wars with the Educators. In order for the critical conversation paper to be sufficient, a need for sufficient relatable sources should be acquired. In the essay regarding the critical conversation, I attempt to not only support Neatby's research, but also plan to go against it with the sources found. In James M. Pustule article, Unlikely Allies: Hilda Neatby, Michael Foucault and the Critique of Progressive Education, he …show more content…

Democratic learning can be defined as an educational ideal in which democracy is both a goal and a method of instruction (Dennis, 2013). In comparison to democratic learning, progressive education behaves in similar aspects. Progressive education entails an emphasis on learning hands on, and democratic learning view students as non passive learners. According to Emery J. Hyslop–Margison’s and Barbra Graham’s, Principles for Democratic Learning in Career Education, both authors attempt to critique the democratic learning approach because it puts a great emphasis on student’s careers. In connection to Hilda Neatby’s idea of progressive education, she illustrates how democracy affects the classroom. Like Hyslop-Margison and Graham, Neatby believes that schools are introducing their conception of democracy into the classroom. The consistent issue of democracy in schools is persistent between both parties because schools are hardly demonstrating a democratic procedure. From the schooling to the treatment of students , Neatby discusses how democratic equality in the schools can be problematic, because each child is treated at once individually as an integral part rather than being treated in the mass ( Neatby, 239). Emery J. Hyslo-Margison, Barbra Graham and Hilda Neatby all believe that there is more to a child’s education than what democratic learning …show more content…

Like Neatby, Titely believes that our schools are weak academically. Both intellectuals place blame to child centered philosophy, because they believe that it is taking away from the true definition of education. In relation to Neatby, one can see that Titely supports Neatby by using sources from John Dewey. John Dewey's approach to education links both Neatby and Titely together, because he was a major voice to progressive education. By countering his approach to progressive education Hilda Neatby's philosophy is closely linked to Brian Titely. There are several issues surrounding the education system in Canada. The imperfections of schooling creates a problem because the organizational form of schools are in serious need of change. According to Benjamin Levin’s, Response to "Toward a Re-thinking of Mass Public Schooling: A personal Exploration", education of the mass public school is in a position in which it should not be in. Mass public schooling relates to progressive education because it encourages the interest of the children more .This article supports Hilda Neatby, but also believes there are other alternatives to organization of education. Even though the time context between Neatby's and Levin’s writings differentiate, there are still many comparable facts. For example in

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