
High Stakes Testing Pros And Cons

Decent Essays

High Stakes Testing is not the Answer for Assessing Reading High stakes tests are assessments that are used to make important educational and life decisions based on their results. The main focus of high stakes reading tests are on cognitive skills and approaches that are imperative mechanisms of students reading success. These tests have been the topic of debate due to their use and intention of their consequences, positive and negative (Afflerbach, 2012). Pros and cons of high stakes testing used for reading assessment will be introduced. There are several positive aspects to using a high stakes test to assess readers as the U.S. Department of Education provided the finances in order for them to be created. One benefit of high-stakes testing is that they can provide information from entire subgroups of individuals that take the test. In short, these tests can determine which minorities are struggling compared to other individuals with reading and allow for instructional …show more content…

There are some students that are strong test takers and some that are not. There are multiple methods to assess a student that does not require them to memorize facts or terms that may or may not be presented on a test (teaching to the test). Teachers are more aware of their student’s reading levels by providing appropriate classroom assessments and instruction throughout the year. The standardized tests more or less provide positive and negative data that can negatively impact students’ self-esteem and motivation by providing labels making reading a negative experience. Teacher and student morale can decrease as well as funding depending on the scores of these tests or single indicators of student and teacher achievement (Afflerbach, 2012). The time, energy and money that are used to prepare students and teachers do not seem to justify the benefits of taking standardized

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