
High School Short Story

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High School Terrifying for some, exciting for others. Yes, the first day of high school comes every year, and for me, terrifying says it all. I had no choice but to flop out of bed, hiding underneath my covers full of dread Scared, and nervous is an understatement. I moped around my house getting ready for the day I stressed, feared, and panicked about.
However, Most people would be filled with joy. All grown up. Mature, and a teenager; however, I constituted symbolized the one percent of people the opposite. The ponder of going on living a boring adult life, having to carry out daily chores, paying bills, and going to work everyday doing the same exact thing. It just genuinely wasn’t exciting to me.
Furthermore, I was a teenager. I had more freedom than if I was five years old. Going to Cedar Ridge High School wasn’t the most significant thing to me at the time. There would be twice as many people, then if I was in a tedious middle school. Although I was in complete regret of going to school on the first day, but not like I had a choice since my caring parents’ house.
Furthermore, my bike was calling for me in the garage to drag myself to that horrifying outrageously enormous school. That was filled with people that I didn’t know. Ultimately, I ended up on my bike.
Halfway there on the way to school the fears, and emotions of holding the responsibility of the only person who didn’t know what they were doing on the first day drowned me in sorrow. At last, I arrived

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