
Hieronymus Bosch Death And The Miser

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“The Death and the Miser” is a painting by Hieronymus Bosch, who was a Dutch artist of the Late Gothic style, known as the Early Renaissance. “The Death and the Miser” was painted in 1490 A.D. and is a moral tale warning anyone who has grabbed at life’s pleasures without being sufficiently detached and who is unprepared to die. Hieronymus “Death and the Miser” guides viewers to a different vision of moments before death through subject mater, color, line, composition, and historical context.

In Hieronymus Bosch painting, “Death and the mister” the subject matter is dark and chilling. The painting takes place in a miser’s bedroom. In the middle of the room there is a long extravagant bed. There is a pale boy sitting up I the bed looking frightened who is the miser. His left arm is raised slightly upward like he is trying to protect himself. There is an angel next to his right shoulder and an evil demon next to his left. The door is open with death coming out the …show more content…

An upside down triangle takes form at the head of the miser, going up to the demon holding the lantern on top of the bed, and to the crucifix. The lantern containing the fire of hell carried by the Demon on top of the bed canopy balances the crucifix, which emits a single ray of divine light. This balance evenly divides heaven from hell and the misers decision to decide his eternal faith.

Often depicting religious motifs such as this one, Hieronymus Bosch, born in 1450, was a Dutch artist of the Late Gothic style, known as the Early Renaissance. Little is know about Bosch’s life. His personality is not shown through his art. Bosch’s paintings are very imaginative and dark. His paintings are very difficult to translate. The themes of his art were mainly religious but had a lot to do with sin. Bosch’s artwork did not show a world full of beauty but rather more a world full of

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