
Hidden Curriculum In Australia

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Critical issues facing educators today include; educational inequity, socio-economic status of students, cultural diversity, stereotyping, dominate cultural paradigms, and social disadvantage. Because of these issues, educators will be best prepared for classroom life if they find ways to adapt and modify the learning environment in order, to provide for inclusive regardless of the learners needs. All children in Australia are presented with the opportunity to attend schools which are designed to be inclusive for any and all abilities. Due to the diverse nature of the school age population in Australia classrooms are made up of an assortment of needs in relation to social, cognitive, and physical areas of learning.
Inclusive education involves …show more content…

Furthermore, knowledge of social disadvantage, cultural diversity, and inequality of students can broaden educators' understanding. Knowledge in these areas can be understood as forming part of the ‘hidden curriculum’. Blaise & Nuttall (2011) describe the hidden curriculum as unintentional actions which surround curriculum (p. 82). Due to the importance of the impact of factors in the hidden curriculum, it can be understood that it is critical for teachers to develop a broad understanding of the hidden curriculum so that they can be mindful while interpreting and delivering curricular experiences. Teachers need to consider the hidden curriculum to ensure children's needs are acknowledged and that a safe environment that is free from stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination is …show more content…

Through learning about the differences between friends, children can be better prepared for real life. As a teacher, there are challenges when a student has significant learning or behavioural needs, but in many ways, this just keeps a teacher ever vigilant of the need to be a lifelong learner.
Cultural ideology strongly influences a student’s decision in regards to schooling and future opportunities (Lawrence et al., 2012, pp. 79-80). Whether students specifically choose otherwise; and the students run the risk isolation themselves from the cultural practices and expectations of his family and friends (Thompson, 2002, p. 8). Within the schooling culture a child will feel the same feeling isolated (Ewing, 2013, p. 85). As previously stated by the interviewee, parental input is a vital component. Discussing beliefs about cultural ideology with parents can be incorporated into the children’s

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