
Chapter 01 Organizational Behavior

Satisfactory Essays

Chapter 01 Organizational Behavior: The Quest for People-Centered Organizations and Ethical Conduct

True / False Questions 1. | People-centered practices are associated with higher profits and lower employee turnover. True False | 2. | Power can be provided to employees via centralization. True False | 3. | Providing training for employees leads to lower employee turnover. True False | 4. | Trust can be built in organizations through the sharing of critical information. True False | 5. | Organizations are a social invention helping us to achieve things collectively that we could not achieve alone. True False | 6. | OB is an interdisciplinary field dedicated to better understanding and …show more content…

True False | 32. | Social capital is productive potential resulting from strong relationships, goodwill, trust, and cooperative effort. True False | 33. | Trust, mutual respect, teamwork, and cooperative effort are dimensions of human capital. True False | 34. | Positive social interactions can have favorable impacts on cardiovascular health and the immune system. True False | 35. | Good management requires a clear purpose and a bias toward action. True False | 36. | Henry Mintzberg observed that managers typically devote large blocks of time to planning. True False | 37. | According to Wilson's managerial skills research, an effective manager controls details by being overbearing. True False | 38. | The Wilson managerial skills research yields the lesson that dealing effectively with people is what management is all about. True False | 39. | Managers with high levels of skill mastery tend to have better subunit performance and employee morale than managers with lower levels of skill mastery. True False | 40. | According to the Wilson managerial skills research, effective female and male managers have significantly different skill profiles. True False | 41. | The successful 21st century manager shares access to power and key information. True False | 42. | A successful 21st century manager uses formal authority as the primary source of influence.

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