
Hi Father It's Artie Analysis

Decent Essays

Hi dad it’s Artie. I want you to know your story is a huge success. I know that makes no difference to you, however I just wanted you to know. The work involved in writing this book helps me to understand you better. I know our relationship was never the best and I certainly take my share of the blame. I wish I took the time earlier your life to get this story from you as it has helped immensely in understanding who and why you were the way you were. I guess sometimes it takes reflection upon our pasts and timing to bring about a true understanding. I just was not ready until it was too late. I look back at some of your sayings and at the time I did not comprehend them, but now knowing your story I understand your intention. For instance, the time my friends made fun of my roller skates and you said with disgust “Friends? Your friends?...If you lock them together in a room with no food for a week…Then you could see what it is, friends! (Spiegelman 6). As a boy, admittedly that was a bit much, but I get the meaning now. …show more content…

The tendencies of mistrust, hoarding, and being self-reliant were difficult to understand growing up and even as an adult I could not identify with. You were not trying to be difficult on purpose that was just who you became because of your survival. We grew up in very different times in which your generation saves and reuses everything because you had to. My generation which has everything and can discard and replenish with ease. I remember a prime example of this when you broke your favorite dish and said “DON’T THROW AWAY! I can glue still together the plate” (Spiegelman 233). When I offered to do the dishes, you would not allow me to in fear of more dishes being broken. What was funny and frustrating at the same time was you broke the dish not

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