Hi Dinamarie, First of all, thank you for sharing your appreciation and acknowledgement of the leadership skills of Paula, your former nurse manager. Reading your post, I thought of the phrase ‘It takes one to know one’. Your statement, ‘I feel I have already used these skills in my current profession as a dialysis nurse’ further my view of you. As cited by Yoder-Wise (2014) “Followers complement leaders and managers with their skills. Followers and leaders fill gaps that exist to build on each other’s cognitive, technical, interpersonal, and emotional strengths” (p. 17). Indeed, you are fortunate “to experience the strength of a good manager, and to achieve positive outcomes as a follower, knowing that the team approach generated a successful
How would you like to walk around the desert and the mountains for days without food or water? In the past decades the big horn sheep are being killed day after day and is decreasing the population. In the 1990s there were 1.5-2 million big horn sheep, but now there are less than 70,000. Big horn sheep are dying in many ways, Hunters, Golden eagles, habitat loss, food loss and Bobcats.
Emilia Clarke has been tapped as the face of high-fashion label's Rose des Vents fine jewelry collection. The French fashion house announced the exciting news on Wednesday, November 4.
My transition from nurse to novice nurse practitioner in the leukemia/bone marrow unit was challenging. I learned to use my experience to view mistakes as opportunities for growth. I believe one of my best leadership qualities is my ability to adapt to different situations easily and naturally. When I started writing chemo orders, we did not have a calculation form. I was concerned that someone would make a mistake one day. Eventually, I developed a chemotherapy calculation form that was approved by xy hospital as the standard. I now realize problem solving and innovation are my leadership qualities that helped me to develop
Many would assume that this makes me an invaluable and good leader, but I would like to disagree. I have been a nurse for seven years, still an inexperienced nurse in my eyes and still absorbing information day to day. The nurses have relayed that I have made many positive changes to the culture, work environment, and standards of the department in my short years, i.e., working shift for a fellow nurse who needs time off for the deployment of her son, fighting for wage increases when warranted, encouraging increased education and certifications through brain injury alliances and rehabilitative nursing alliance.
According to the textbook, Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice, there are over 100 definitions of the word “leadership”, and all of them are unique in their own way (Northouse, 2015, p.1). There are so many different aspects to leadership that is it nearly impossible to have one definition that covers every area. Each and every person that is a considered a leader has his or her own way of leading because every situation, whether it be work, a team, at home, etc., calls for different and distinctive ways of leading people. Northouse states that there are six main aspects of leadership; it’s a trait, ability, skill, behavior, relationship, and an influential process (Northouse, p. 3-6). Giving a clear answer as to what leadership is defined as is very difficult, but this paper will talk about my specific leadership skills and what leadership means to me.
I learned the importance of becoming a true leader in nursing from the nursing leadership and management course. I become a lot of my weakness thanks to the knowledge I gained from the Nursing Leadership and Management class. A nurse leader uses interpersonal skills to influence others to accomplish a specific goal. The leader creates connections among the members of an organization to promote high levels of performance and quality outcomes. (Maryol, 2017). The class helped me defined my leadership style which is a combination of authoritative and democratic. It also helped me understand the importance of developing good coaching skills. After all, The goal of coaching is to eliminate or improve performance problems. (Maryol,
Leadership does not always come with a title or prestige. Every nurse has within themselves qualities that make them a great leader. Leadership by definition, “is a combination of intrinsic personality traits, learned leadership skills, and characteristics of the situation (Cherry& Jacob (2013 p. 335). A leader is one who has the capacity and skills to direct or encourage others in efforts to achieve an outcome. I recently completed a self-assessment on my perceived leadership abilities. The survey was called the Nurse Manager Skills Inventory (Nurse Manager Leadership Partnership, 2008). It consists of four content areas of which I will address and identify my strengths and weaknesses.
These weaknesses opened dialogue between myself and the team but also severed long standing relationships which unfortunately caused some animosity. Leader A recognized that opportunities exist, coaching was needed and he invested time and finances into making sure my transition of Inpatient Nursing was successful. His vision and leadership is why I was able to sustain and thrive in my current position and he was also my inspiration to continue my education. Leader A believed in me even when I failed. My greatest weaknesses and opportunities are reviewed
Copyright is a very common topic in colleges since many students might have a assignment due and they rather to use ideas from the internet than their own ideas even if the ones from the web does not match with their own understanding. Now days some people, specially college students decided to be lazy by copyright their own work rather than being original and unique by expressing their thoughts.
Dr. McBride wrote “leaders develop over time rather than being born with the right stuff: (2012, p. 16). I agree with the author. It takes a person to experience different situations to develop a history so that he/she can pull from that knowledge and apply it to a present circumstance. Regarding your question about witnessing a nurse that was lifted up to an increased role, but did not have many of the skillsets that were necessary to function in that capacity. Yes, I have worked under a nurse that was lifted up to a manager that did not have the skillsets. During her time as a manager, she received her bachelor of nursing. She was sent to some leadership training, however that was not enough. The manager had let some personal problems interfere
Learning experiences influencing her personal development into leadership include the years worked as a clinical nurse on the stroke unit. Recognizing the leadership skills of her unit director inspired her to consider pursuing management
As an inexperienced nurse, I feel that you can learn a lot from those around you. The seasoned nurses who have been around for so much change and have gained so much knowledge by adapting and growing as a professional, are those who new nurses look up to and admire. Often a nurse leader position is held by someone who meets the qualifications. As a nurse leader you need to maintain a few qualities that will help you not only do your job but give you the skills to help other nurses in need. Leaders are those who can positively influence a groups behavior by maintaining self-awareness, social awareness, relationship management, and self-management. Often it takes experience to become an effective nurse leader. They require a certain level of
The ability and strength of an individual to achieve goals by supervising processes, guiding initiatives and employees is defined as Leadership skills. Valuable leadership skills include taking thoughtful decisions, allocation of resources, and the ability to delegate, inspire and communicate effectively. Other leadership traits include honesty, confidence, commitment and creativity. Leadership competencies can be used to effectively select, develop and promote leaders in an organization .The difference between Leadership Skill and leadership competency can explained as the required level of efficiency to perform a task assigned is known as skill whereas the quality to accomplish the same is called as competency. When creating leadership competencies certain factors are considered such as business strategies and future trends. To drive the use of competencies in selecting and developing leaders HR practitioners should use the business strategies. To effectively build a unique set of skills for the organization 's leaders, the firm will sustain competitive advantage. The role of a project manager has always been my interest. The position which I have always desired is a role of project manager.
1.) The concept that I have acquired and would like to discuss is the next generation of leaders. Times are changing for many organizations including a diverse population and a true global mindset. With these changes taking place there is a need for a new generation of leaders. A new order is in store and that brings about different approaches to leadership for many organizations. Women now hold a large percentage of leadership positions within organizations. This change provides diversity and a different approach to leadership than in the past. According to Senge, women tend to focus on longer term issues such as sustainability which is a total different systems thinking approach than men. The next generation of leadership will not have
First and foremost I am a nurse and secondly a leader. I admit keeping both in perspective to meet the needs of my caregivers holistically and maintaining leadership is challenging. Maintaining focus on what is best for the patient and