
Herritage Assessment

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Heritage Assessment Grand Canyon University Health care has never been so diverse, not only among patients but also health care providers themselves. In most big metropolitan areas of the US this will only grow and be ever changing. It is imperative that we continue to become culturally aware in our communities to continue to provide competent and safe care. Each individual’s heritage needs to be respected and for that to happen, nurses need to educate themselves with values and beliefs of other cultures and be considerate of a patients heritage. “Cultural heritage is an expression of the ways of living developed by a community and passed on from generation to generation, including customs, practices, places, objects, artistic …show more content…

The three families had come to the US with one main goal, which is to find opportunities for the next generation. With this, health care and how they approach illnesses has changed as well as some common practices. There will still be teas served and prayers made with the combinations of medication to help prevent illnesses. Vapor rub will still be a necessity in the Hispanic home and garlic will always be present in the Pilipino home. The United States is constantly changing and with it there are bound to be changes in how we care for our patients. Nurses must be diligent and learn about their patients and the individual’s cultural values. The Health Assessment tool is important in learning about a patients way of life and preferences on how the want to be treated. According to Leininger (1991), “health refers to a state of well-being that is culturally defined, valued, and practiced, and which reflects the ability of individuals (or groups) to perform their daily role activities in culturally expressed, beneficial, and patterned lifeways” (Creasia & Friberg, p. 109). This is essential to avoid conflict and stereotyping, and help with increasing dialog that can help the healing process. References: Creasia, J.L. & Friberg, E. Conceptual Foundations: The Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice. (5th Ed.). Page 109. Mosby Elsevier ICOMOS, International Cultural Tourism Charter. Principles And

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