
Hero's Journey Analysis

Decent Essays

Carl Jung is credited with developing the concept of archetypes to explain that there were universal patterns in all stories regardless of culture or the historical period (REFERENCE). He believed that part of the human mind contained a collective unconscious shared by all members of the human species (REFERENCE). Academic, Joseph Campbell refined Jung’s theory of an archetype and applied it to a more specific narrative form. So, what exactly is ‘the Hero’s Journey’? Well, the answer lies in Joseph Campbell’s book “The Hero with A Thousand Faces.” Back in the early 20th century, Campbell studied myths from all over the world and he started noticing something similar in all the stories. He noticed that heroes and heroines from every time …show more content…

Interestingly, ‘Star Wars’ itself was not a film about technology, however, the fact that it was set in a futuristic galaxy and empowering usage of special effects, meant that it was a reflection of the social change of society and the people of the time. Campbell defined a hero as the “character who ensures good prevails evil,” (Campbell, 1971). Therefore, Luke Skywalker is constructed by George Lucas, as a hero, which is demonstrated through his actions of ensuring that the Rebels prevail over the Empire. Reinforcing Campbell’s archetype of ‘the Hero’s Journey’, Luke Skywalker is an atypical hero, as he does not challenge the traditional role of a hero and valiantly displays the true values of a real hero. The timeless values of self-respect, persistence, and courage that Luke Skywalker portrays is the reason why his character is so adored by audiences. Luke shows heroism in all aspects of his character and is especially prominent in the final stages of the movie. Here, Luke rescues the princess and destroys the Death Star. Ultimately, both his tasks were achieved, allowing his character to uphold the heroic characteristics. On the whole, ‘Star Wars’ was received very well by audiences. The film earned almost $36 million in its opening weekend, and soon topped the E.T: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) as the all-time domestic

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