
Heros From The Odyssey

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When you hear the word “hero” you probably think of a superhero from an action movie, but there is heros in the world other than superheroes that kill bad guys. A hero is someone who does things not only for themselves but also for other people. Heros come all type of categories, there are superheroes, there is the people who fight for our country, there is police and firefighters who save us from being in danger, parents, and many more type of heros in this world but all heros in this everday life is as good as the ones a long time ago that we use to have. Heros from the Odyssey were the type of heros that they needed back in the modern day.

Police officers have a label as heros. Police are as good as any hero in a action movie, they save people from doing what they shouldn't do, or from hurting people, or bad guys. Police do many thing to save this world from being a bad, unsafe place. Police pull people over if driving over the speed limit, people may get mad and yell when they get pulled over but the police are saving you and other people's lives from being in danger from getting in an accident from speeding.Police also save lives when it comes to danger. When you're in danger the first person you think to call is 911, the police. If police weren't there to save people there wouldn't be anyone to help you. Every time a police officer saves someone …show more content…

Parents protect you from danger, parents lead you into a good life, parents help you make good decisions, parents are there for you. Everything a parent does is a characteristic of a hero. When you need someone to help you with anything, your parent is there to help you, a parent watches over you and that’s what a hero does, is protect you and help you. Kids may think that parents are too overprotective or too caring but a parent is why you are who you are today. Parents led you to success and guide you to adulthood and help you with anything and that's what a good hero

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