
Heroes In The Odyssey

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Heroes are seen in books, ancient stories, and in everyday life. They are known for facing daily challenges and gaining victory. In Edith Hamilton’s myths The Quest of the Golden Fleece and Theseus the characters go through many obstacles to be a hero. Jason and the Argonauts lack intelligence as they get help from Phineus making it easier to be a hero whereas Theseus individually plans his attacks for the challenges he needs to face. It is easier for Jason to be brave as he gets help from Medea, whereas Theseus portrays bravery without the assistance of any other character. Jason is able to be persistent with the help from Medea, while Theseus continues his life even after facing so much sorrow without the help of anyone. Therefore, Theseus …show more content…

The Greeks use the dove to symbolize purity, safety, and peace. The dove showcases sacrifice, as Phineus says to use it as a trial to see if it is safe to pass through the Clashing Rocks. The dove symbolizes peace as Jason and the Argonauts will achieve freedom from the destruction of the Clashing Rocks if the dove manages to pass through safely. Without Phineus’s help, Jason and Argonauts would not be able to intelligently pass through the Clashing Rocks without any harm. This shows that with one’s help it is easier for a hero to be intelligent. Furthermore, it is difficult for Theseus to be a hero as he portrays intelligence without anyone’s help. Theseus volunteers to be one of the sacrifices to the Minotaur in the Labyrinth. The Minotaur is a monster, half bull, half human, trapped in the Labyrinth. Theseus uses his intelligence to attack the Minotaur: “He came upon him asleep and fell upon him, pinning him to the ground….” (Hamilton,“Theseus,”207). Theseus is an intelligent hero as he strategically goes after the Minotaur while he is asleep. The author portrays visual imagery when describing Theseus’s attack by saying “pinning him to the ground”. Theseus’s attack helps him defeat the Minotaur and also not get hurt. Intelligence is important to be a hero, but it is easier for Jason and the Argonauts to be intelligent than Theseus because they get help from

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