
Hero Vs Beowulf

Decent Essays

There is a man walking down the sidewalk and, as he looks around, he notices a cat stuck in a tree with a crowd of people staring at it. The man decides to help the cat, and applause surrounds him. He basks in the attention. At the same time, a young, girl walks through an empty hallway in her school. She heads around the corner to see a boy being shoved into a set of lockers by a bully. She yells at the bully and he runs. Nobody saw what she did, but all she needs to know is that he is alright. In each of these cases, the “hero” has different motives: in the first, the man wants people to see him rescuing the cat, whereas the girl wants to help the boy for the boy’s sake. Beowulf is a hero like the man, not the girl, making him undeserving of the title because he acts for glory and pride, not just to aid others. Beowulf is a man who is proud of his past deeds. Though this is not always a bad trait, Beowulf boasts about the feats he accomplished when he was young and uses them to prove that he is the best hero there is. Beowulf even states that he is not boasting, while boasting: “In our youth we boasted--we were both of us boys-- / We would risk or lives in the raging sea… Though I boast of it not!” (18-19, 410-454). Immediately after going on about how he swam for days in the sea and battled monsters when nobody asked, he contradicted himself by saying he does not brag. Beowulf uses his past triumphs to prove that he is strong and to prove that he will have many more

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