
Heresthetic Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Heresthetic is defined as a poltical strategy, coming from a Greek word of choosing and electing This term was coined by William Riker who describes it as having three categories: agenda control, strategic voting, and the manipulation of dimensions. Agenda control is the manipulation of agenda to achieve desired outcomes. Strategic voting is the practice of controlling the outcome by using voting procedures. And lastly, the manipulation of dimensions is the redefining of situations to create a stronger alliance. The practice of heresthetic5 is definitely not an easy task because of its complex manipulation strategies that would often require a team of people to accomplish. In order to implement heresthetic into a political campaign or agenda, they would need to have the connections to a greater source of information in order to manipulate the media. …show more content…

For example, Bernie Sanders, the major opponent against Hillary Clinton in the Democratic race, came from a place of weakness. Before Bernard Sanders entered the race he was only known to the politically interested folk in Vermont where he holds a Senatorial position. How was he able to go from an unknown state Senator to a major political candidate, the answer is simple, Heresthetic. Senator Sanders controlled the agenda by reaching younger, college-aged voters, in which he kept the conversation interesting. His agenda is the same as any other candidate, to become the President, but he focused on issue that affect the lives of many young Americans. Specifically, Black Lives Matter and the legalization of Marijuana, through holding the interest of young voters and thus establishing the leverage that a weaker candidate would need, he was able to satisfy manipulating the dimensions and strategic voting much more

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