
Henry Fleming In Red Badge Of Courage

Decent Essays

Henry Fleming is a teenager with romantic notions about the glories of war. He enlists in the Union army and quickly discovers sides of himself he never knew existed. The horrors, boredom, and complete injustice of war bring out all of Henry’s worst (and occasionally best) tendencies.

Initially, Henry fears that he will run like a coward when faced with his first battle. He’s been in the army for a while now but hasn’t seen any action yet. Talking with the other men, he tries to get them to admit that they are scared as well. No one wants to say as much; they all seem perfect examples of fearless men, which leaves Henry feeling even worse about his own apprehension. Shortly before his first battle, he sees his first dead body, a gruesome corpse.

Meanwhile we meet two men, Jim Conklin or "the Tall Soldier" whom Henry has known for years, and Wilson or "the Loud Soldier." Wilson, afraid that he will die in battle, gives Henry a packet of letters to deliver to his family after the war. When the fighting finally starts, Henry doesn’t do too badly. However, when a second round of fighting begins after a brief lull, Henry is terrified and heads for the hills. Afterwards, he tries to rationalize his decision (to himself) by claiming it was simply a survival instinct. He oscillates between a …show more content…

He fights wildly and afterwards is praised by his lieutenant for his actions. However, in a lull between battles, he and Wilson overhear a general referring to their regiment as "mule drivers" and preparing to sacrifice them at the front line in the next scuffle. Henry wants more than ever to prove himself. In the next battle, he and Wilson see the Union flag bearer fall. They rush forward, take up the flag, and rally their comrades to fight. Afterwards, the superior officers praise this courageous action. In the novel’s final battle, Henry captures the Confederate flag as well and helps lead his regiment to

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