
Henry David Thoreau's Pursuit Of Success

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Recently my mother remarked that as humans, we are obsessed with having and are no longer content with just being. Her words struck me and I began to contemplate on their truth. Society places us on a never ending treadmill from birth. It seeks to rush us into what it calls success. No sooner have we started school that we are already in college and then working and reproducing and then suddenly we die. What does society gain from this? It gains our labor. We make our contribution according to what society considers “right” and proceed to go through life with the promise that with each new period we will find our true purpose, or that we will achieve something. We are taught to live anxiously awaiting whatever may come next. Never content with …show more content…

Regard not your past failures nor successes. All the past is equally a failure and a success; it is a success in as much as it offers you the present opportunity.” Henry David Thoreau’s life and works force us to reflect on the state of society and the measure of its impact in our lives. His emphasis on finding that which we are called to do and on pursuing it regardless of impediment continues to inspire others to truly absorb what life has to teach …show more content…

Thoreau pointed to nature for the answer. He writes in his Journal on October 1855, “Old trees are our parents, and our parents’ parents, perchance. If you would learn the secrets of Nature, you must practice more humanity than others.” Thoreau knew that nature held the secret of life, and he understood that engaging not just with nature but with other human beings was vital to living deliberately. Therefore we must practice mindfulness, be of service to others and consider

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