
Helen Water Crisis Research Paper

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The Flint Water Crisis can ultimately be traced back to Flint, Michigan wanting to save money, so as a result, they switched their water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River. Well, the pipes carrying water from the river to different buildings and places were made out of lead. The pipes did not have the chemical that removed lead particles which meant that people who were drinking the water were drinking in lead particles. This meant that that people drinking the water were getting lead poisoning and possibly other diseases. They put an emergency manager in charge to make decisions on how to save money.
What are some of the effects of the crisis? For any adult, lead poisoning can cause kidney problems, fatigue, lethargy, depression, and slower reaction time. However, adults require a higher level of lead in the blood to produce those effects. For pregnant women lead poisoning can can cause miscarriages and future health problems in a developing fetus. What about children? For children, lead poisoning affects the development of children's brains and nervous systems. …show more content…

Some solutions to the crisis are to coat the lead pipes with graphene to get rid of the lead particles in the water and on the pipes, build a water intake filter that takes the water from the Flint River, filters it, and then sends it to the public, or, switch the water source from the Flint River back to the Great Lakes. Since Lake Huron is being blocked in the legislature, get water from one of the other Great Lakes. Other possible solutions include mapping out the entire system of pipes in Flint, Michigan and replace the lead pipes with pipes that are made out of materials that do not cause diseases and harm people, installing a Culligan filtering system in every person's house in Flint, Michigan so that they have pure, filtered water, or having other states in the U.S. donate money towards fixing the pipes in

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