
Helen Of Troy Research Paper

Decent Essays

DR. ROSE ENGLISH 2111 8:30 – 9:45 TR

Helen of Troy

Menelaus and Paris

Courtney Vankinscott


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Vankinscott 1 Humans have feuded and fought wars since the beginning of time. There are many reasons why people may choose to resort to war. Often wars are fought over land one rising Empire may find suitable for their needs and advancement. Sometimes people …show more content…

Paris was the sole judge in a competition between Aphrodite Hera and Athena for the most beautiful Goddess. However, for his role with in their competition he wanted Aphrodite the winner of the competition to make him a promise. The promise was that she would help and accompany him in the pursuit and capture of Helen of Troy. To Paris, Helen was all he wanted and desired so on his journey to Troy he visited and stayed with Helen and Menelaus. When opportunity allowed he then kidnapped her and set march for his kingdom. Paris’ actions then set forth the foundation for the Trojan War, Because Menelaus’ oath was then fulfilled by all the princes and men of the land. Hence why many people refer to Helen as “The Face that launched a 1000 ships” as the men set forth their legions in attempt to get her back. This was not a hasty or unnecessary act of the king however, because he did ask of Paris to return her first before waging all-out war. Paris of course refused and the Trojan was then in full affect. Many men died over this 10 year war some names people may remember such as Achilles while others were forgotten with

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