
Helen Keller American Hero

Decent Essays

Helen Keller was a famous American educator, author, and peace activist. She vanquished the hardships she faced being blind and deaf, becoming one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century. Keller was also the co-founder of the ACLU as well as several other organizations. She went on to live a memorable, impactful live and received countless awards for her influences. Helen Keller was a very inspirational figure, making her an American Hero. To begin, Helen Adams Keller was born on June 27 in 1880. She was born in Tuscumbia, Alabama to Arthur and Katherine Keller. Her family had a cotton plantation, and was not very wealthy. When Helen was born she had both her sight and her hearing. She started speaking at 6 months old, and walking at 1 year. In 1882, when she was 19 months (1 year and 7 months) old, Helen Keller got a sickness, which at the time her family doctor called “brain fever.” The true disease she contracted is still unknown, but many believe it may have been scarlet fever or meningitis. After a few days of suffering from this fever, Keller’s mother noticed she did not have any reaction to the dinner bell being rung or when a hand was waved in front of her face. They discovered Helen Keller had lost her sight and hearing. …show more content…

By the time she was 7, the two had created over 60 signs to communicate with one another. Keller had become very hyperactive and uncontrollable through this time, making life very difficult for those around her and leading some to think she should be sent to an institution. Through a line of people, Keller became introduced to Anne Sullivan, who became her teacher and friend for the next 49 years. This began Keller’s love for education, leading her to becoming an American

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