
Hela Cells Essay

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The HeLa cell lines emerged, on February 1, 1951, after a woman by the name of Henrietta Lacks visited her physician after noticing blood spots in her underwear. The physician examined Henriette and discovered a tumor in her cervix. The physician retrieved a segment of the tumor and sent it to a lab for further diagnosis. Later on, it was announced that the tumor was infectious. Days later Henrietta returned to her physician and another sample was taken and sent to the head of tissue culture research at Hopkins, George Gey. Both Gey and his were in the search for a tool that specialized in the study of cancer. If their innovation succeeded they could reveal a treatment for cancer. During Gey’s research of Henrietta’s cells multiplied rapidly and within days the cells increased in thickness. Henriett Lack died October 4, 1951. George Gey main …show more content…

From the HeLa cells the polio virus was grown, which in turn created the polio vaccine. The HeLa cell lines were also conducted in a test, done by Gey and his colleagues, to differentiate between numerous polio strains. Some polio strains were known to have no effect on the human body. This test was done to discover which polio strain caused the effects that tormented the human body. By using Henrietta cells the factor was found. With this information, researcher Jonas Salk along with his partner established a vaccine. The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis created facilities that focused on the mass-production of HeLa cells. Before the polio vaccine was used in humans they were tested by the Hela cells first. Gey sent shipments of Hanriettes cells to any of his colleagues around the world. Many of the researchers used the HeLa cells to establish a cure for leukemia and the cause of cancer, to become knowledgeable in viral growth, genetic control mechanisms, protein synthesis, and the undisclosed effects of drugs and

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