
Heckert's Theory Of Deviance

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Any act or condition varying from the norm assigned by a society’s value system is considered deviation regardless of which end of the spectrum it lies. By definition, being at the high end of the spectrum is just as deviant as being at the low end of the spectrum; however, the consequences differ. Like Heckert (1998) relates, positive deviance usually earns hero or achievement status along with geek/nerd labeling; consequently, the individual suffers fallout from this deviance on a different scale than the thief who earns criminal or convict status along with loser labeling at the other end of the spectrum. Either way, both types of deviant receive sanctions for their behavior outside of the norm expected in their particular society. The term …show more content…

Interestingly, some forms of positive deviance started in a negative light. Consider Jesus who was crucified for his role in society during his lifetime; however, today is worshipped as a charismatic leader who was unappreciated during his lifetime. Likewise, Martin Luther King met with horrific resistance, and is now considered one of the most charismatic and prolific leaders of his time. Their deviance from the societal norms cost them their lives, yet their ideology and value systems are foundational in today’s society. Additionally, there are many in the scientific community who through their intellectual brilliance brought us incredible scientific breakthroughs, but were received as crazy, crackpots who needed help rather than being recognized for their innate intelligence. Heckert described positive deviance as an altruistic lifestyle which is exemplified by Mother Teresa, as innate qualities inherited genetically and displayed in the athletic arena, and as “supra conformity” by the “straight A student” whose zealous achievement is highlighted in academia (1998). Heckert showed the supra conformist with innate intelligence brings innovative ideas to society, yet is sanctioned and ostracized for being a nerd/geek who is not understood by the society they are benefitting. Consequently, there are very negative and real consequences for stepping away from the norm with respect to society no matter which end of the spectrum the behavior and ideals

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